Coming to an end

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Taylia pov

It's getting towards the end of the summer, which means the end of the trip/ intensive. Today is our last day of choreography, and next week is opening. Me and Taylor got up and dressed in our rehearsal clothes and we decided to walk to the diner, and let Matt and Cameron have the car. Rehearsal was going really well, we've made friends with the other dancers and became close with some of them. Except for this one girl Regina (I had to🌚) who kind of hates everyone but only a few more days with that. Just a usual day at rehearsal I guess you can say.

Cameron pov

So our trip is coming to an end and our junior year is about to start. I remember what Taylor asked a while ago about it "what's gonna happen after we graduate" I've been thinking about that nonstop. I really like Taylor, and with going to different schools to begin with and applying to different colleges long distance is not gonna work. After this year or sooner I think it'll be best to just be friends, which sucks because we've only been dating for about 2 months now😪

~ 1 week later

Taylor pov
~ last day of performance

It's the last day and the theater is packed! I've never been so excited, I'm in a couple of duos, trios, small groups, and me and Taylia have 2 freaking solos! It's been a really great experience with everything. I've never thought that range of motion can control my emotions. To explore the different ways to move and create, that's what this intensive has taught me. After the performance the performers got to greet the audience outside the theater in the lobby. A short, slim man and a skinny woman came up to me and Taylia.

"Taylor Sullivan and Taylia Harris, marvelous performance!"

"Thank you!" We said in sync

"Allow me to introduce ourselves, I'm Sierra Young and this is James Hilton, and we are the head directors of the dance department at University of the Arts" (that's a real school😌, probably not real people)

"Ohh, it's very nice to meet you", I say being polite.

"We would like to propose an offer.." Ms. Young started.

"As we said before, that was a well put together performance. And we believe that you two had the most energy, compassion, and confidence. And we would appreciate it if you joined us at Uarts." Mr. Hilton finished

"He means by a full scholarship after your graduation." Ms. Young reiterated.

Me and Tay looked at each other. A full fucking ride! Of course we're taking it!

"Yes, most definitely!" Taylia said with excitement.

"Great! Glad we're all in the same page. Your spots are held with pride, but this will require you to attend Uarts earlier than your enrollment date." Mr. Hilton said

"Meaning...?" I hesitated.

"In order to fully be a Uarts dancer, you must attend intensively and classes there."

"For 2 years?" Taylia said

"Of course not😌😌😌😌" Ms. Young said.

We were relieved.

"After your first semester into your school year, you will need to attend Uarts, meaning completing your requirements at Uarts as a dancer and fulfill your academic courses at your own school."

"Wait, so we will need to go back and forth from Uarts and home everyday??" I asked.

"Noo, every 2 months you will be at Uarts and your hometown for holidays, family gatherings, etc." Mr. Hilton finished.

"Only 2 months with family?? This will go on until we are fully enrolled to Uarts? How can we do our school work if we're at Uarts??" I asked

"Yes ma'am, and that's not our problem-"

"I'm sorry, we can't accept that, that's preposterous." Taylia interrupted.

"Are you sure you want to decline a full ride scholarship to a high performing art university? If that's the case, so be it, but once you decline the offer I will make sure every other scout in this room and any others they know, will know about your unprofessional, and childish decision. Making no other art university, hell even studio, take another glance at you two. So is that what you want?" Mr. Hilton got close to us.

We were played so hard. They knew two high school girls wanting to go to college would take that kind of offer, before even explaining all that other shit! Now we're stuck with them.

"Why didn't you tell us before about the requirements?" I asked

"Why didn't you ask? Every art school has requirements, dear." Ms. Young said smirking.

"You never answered my question, is that what you want?" Mr. Hilton asked.

"I mean when you put it like that, what other choice do we have?" Taylia asked

"Hahahaha you're right. But that's yes or no, make a quick decision I think those young men are wanting to join you." He said looking at Matt and Cameron.

"No we don't want that. We'll take it." I said unsure about my answer. Taylia looked at me

"Wonderful! We'll see you after your first semester. Ms. Young smiled and walked to the other performers.

Me and Taylia looked at each other, the one opportunity and we get played so hard. Matt and Cameron kissed our foreheads.

"You guys that was an amazing show," Matt said.

"What's wrong?" Cameron said looking at us.

"We just got a full ride to Uarts" Taylia said kind of down.

"That's great babe! Why are you upset?"

"We have to be there every 2 months until we graduate after first semester" I say wanting to cry.

"What..." Cameron let go of me, long distance was not going to work out.

An: Welp I got another chapter done. It's 2am and idk why I decided to do this really late at night but at least it's done now😌

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