Johnny and Pony fall in love

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Hey guys it's Beth here with my friend Megan. This is our first time making a story so don't judge us on how this book turns out. Here we go.

Megan has curly light brown hair with blonde streaks and she has blue eyes, Beth has straight light brown hair and grey blue eye, Jess has long blonde hair and light blue eyes, Savannah has short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and Eliana has long red hair and blue eyes.

Beth's POV

"Girls I'm bored." "Not our faults you get your homework done faster then us," said Savannah. "Well it's not my fault you guys don't understand math." "Fine we need a break anyway," said Eliana. "Great come on guys lets go to the park."

When we got to the park a foot ball hit me in the face. There was a bunch of guys walking over so I got up picked it up and chucked it back at them. One of the shorter guys caught it, as they came closer i could that he was kinda cute. "Nice aim" said one of the taller guys "I haven't seen you guys around here before, I'm Dally and this is Johnny and Ponyboy." Johnny was the one that had caught the football. "Hi, I'm Beth and this is Megan, Savannah, Jess and Eliana, we just moved her a few weeks ago." Suddenly I heared a car engine, we turned around and saw a blue mustang driving closer. All of a sudden the guys seem to become defensive. Five guys got out of the car. "How did a bunch of dirty greasers pick up these nice brods!" "Get lost you Socs" said Dally "you don't belong here." "Well these ladies don't belong with you." A Soc in a blue sweater grabed my arm. "Let go of her!" said Johnny. "Who's gonna make me" said the Soc. "I will" I said, then I swung my arm and punched him square in the jaw. He stumbled back in suprise. "Yeah go away or I'll punch you even harder then she did!" said Savannah. The Socs got back in their car and drove away. "Nice punch there" said Johnny. "Thanks, I was on the boxing team at my old school." "Do you girls wanna hang out?" asked Dally "Sure" said Savannah. I think Savannah was starting to develope a crush. "Great you can come over to my house." said Pony. I think he had his eye on Megan. "Okay lead the way."

Megan's POV

We started following the guys to Pony's house. Beth started walking next to Johnny and they were talking, I think Beth has a little crush. "Hey" Ponyboy had walked up behind me. "Whoa! You startled me." "I think I might of seen you at school." he said "Yeah me and Beth skiped a grade." "Me too!" he said "Oh! Looks like we're here." We all went in a bunch of other boys were inside. "Hey where did you guys pick up these fine looking brods?" "Oh leave them alone Two-bit" said Pony. "Yeah leave us alone or I just might right hook you." said Jess. Of course Jess would say that. "So as you now know I'm Two-bit, that's Soda, Steve and Darry and I see you already met Dally, Pony and our little Johnnycake." I could see Johnny starting to blush out of the courner of my eye. "Why, hello cuz" said Steve "Back at ya" I said. "So we finally get to meet some of Steves family" said Pony while he raise a eyebrow. "So what do you want to do?" said Eliana. Thank you Eliana, she could see that I was getting uncomfortable. "We could go to the empty lot." said Soda  "Okay" said Beth.

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