In the Hospital

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Pony's POV

Me, Steve and Johnny were sitting in Beth and Megan's hospital room. Johnny is asleep against the wall near Beth's bed. Steve won't stop pacing. "Ugh" Megan moved. Steve and I were by her side in a second. "How you feeling" I asked. "I feel like I ran into a brick wall head first" "Do you remember any of it?" asked Steve. "I remember being hit in the head then I vaguely remember getting stitches" "Sounds rough" I said. "well no duh!" "At least you still have your atitude" said Steve

Megan's POV

"Where's Beth?" I asked while trying unsuccesfully to get up. "Calm down kiddo" said Steve and he moved so I could see Beth in the bed next to mine. "So how long have I been out?" "A day and a bit" answered Pony "The docters kept giving you a seditive because they wanted you to rest because of your concussion" "Well that explains why my head hurts so much" Pony left later to change clothes and get something to eat when he came back Steve left to do the same thing. I can't remember the last time I was this bored. I wasn't alowed to do anything. This sucks I thought to myself. The next mourning I woke up to Johnny pacing around. "What's wrong Johnny?" I asked "Why won't she wake up?" he asked worriedly. "I'm sure she'll be fine Johnny." Then Steve walked in, "You hungry kiddo" he asked "Of course" "Okay I'll go talk to the nurse." Suddenly I heared Beth groan and Johnny rushed to her side.

Johnny and Pony fall in loveWhere stories live. Discover now