School, the sh*t hole

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Pony's POV

Me, Megan, Johnny and Beth walked to school the next mourning. As we got there Johnny and Beth went to their lockers and me and Megan went to ours. We all met in the cafeteria at lunch. We all sat at a table with the rest of our gang. Jess and Two-bit started chuckling as we walked up. "Is Pony in love?" asked Two-bit. "What's up guys?" Eliana asked as she  and Savannah walked up. "Well a Two-bit here is being a  a**" said Megan. "Oh getting sassy there Megan" said Savannah. "Savannah you are the sassyist person I have ever met" I said  "Guess what? She use to be worse. She made a new years resolution this year to become less sassy" Beth said. "How's that working out for you?" I asked Savannah. Savannah just stuck her tongue out at me. I took that as a no. "Oh crap!" I heared Eliana say under her breath. I turned around and saw a bunch of Soc's headed for our table. "So I see someone's still in cruches" I heared a soc say to Beth. I realized that they were the same socs that had atacked us. "I see someone's still and a** hole" Beth shot right back. "You should probably leave" I said "it's her leg that's hurt not her fists" "and my fist feel fine too!" said Eliana. "If your fists are fine then the rest of you must be fine too." said one of the socs to Eliana. All I could think was, dude you do not know what you are getting yourself into. Eliana might be small in size but I'm pretty sure she can use her fists as good as any of us. I could see a look of pure anger on Eliana's face. I could see Megan beginning to look worried. "What's wrong" I whispered in her ear. "At our old school Eliana punched and knocked out a guy and landed him in emerge" "Why?" I asked "Lets just say he decieded to tell her that he liked her butt and she did NOT like that one little bit" Megan answered. This guy is dead, I thought.

Megan's POV

Eliana Swung. 'Oh crap' I thought. The guy caught her hand. I got worried for a sec then I saw Eliana's knee swinging up. She caught him right in the croch. He fell down moaning. "That's not very nice." said one of the socs with a smirk on his face. "Who said I was nice?" said Eliana. "Eliana sit down and act inoscent, there's a teacher coming!" I said Eliana sat down quickly. I saw the teacher turn around and notice the soc that was still recovering from Eliana's knee. "What is going on here?" he asked. "I don"t know we came over here and these guys came over and started being mean and suddenly that guy fell on the ground. I hope he's okay." Beth said. Wow! I didn't know that Beth could act like that. "Well in that case, boys please leave these nice girls alone" the teacher said with a confused look on his face. "We aren't done with you, you know that!" said on of the socs after the teacher had left. "Yeah you guys better watch your backs!" said another socs. As they started to walk away I put my foot out and the lead soc tripped and fell on his face. The whole cafeteria started laughing. He got up and turned around. He had a look of pire rage on his face. He gave me a threatening glare then walked away. "You know you probably shouldn't have done that." Pony whispered in my ear as everyone was laughing. "Well if they want to mess with us they are going to get messed up!"

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