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Megan's POV

I was sitting on the porch of the Curtis house watching the sunset. Beth and Johnny have been gone for a while, I wonder where they're. I hope they are okay. I heared the door swing open. "Hey you looked worried" Pony sat down next to me. "It's just Beth usally would be back by now." "I'm sure they're fine, by the way how come Beth didn't get any gifts from her family?" "She got a gift card from her uncle, but that's pretty much it. Beth doesn't really have a good relationship with her family." "Is that why she doesn't ever want to talk about her family?" "Well she will talk about her brothers and sisters but you should never metion her parents." "I'll keep that in mind, I don't want to get on her bad side." "Beth is really nice, but she is really protective of her feelings. In fact this is the first time I have ever seen Beth get close to a guy." "Well this is the first time I have even seen Johnny look at a girl." "Well I'm glad that they're happy." Pony put his arm around me, his warmthed comforted me. "It's such a pretty sunset" I said "Just like you" Pony turned and kissed my on the cheek. I felt so great. "Hey what's that?" Pony sounded worried. I looked up, someone was walking towards the house. I was Johnny and he looked pretty beat up. Then I thought 'Where's Beth?!

Pony's POV

Johnny looked really beat up. I helped him up the porch and inside. I helped him get to the couch. "Where's Beth?" Megan asked in a worried voice. "They took her!" Johnny managed to get out. "Who? Johnny what happened to Beth?!" Eliana sounded like she was going to have a mental break down. "The Soc's took her. They attacked us when we were at the park. I tryed to fight back but I was knocked out. When I woke up they were gone and so was Beth!" "We need to find her!" said Jess. Two-bit had his arms around her as if to protect her. "Okay eveyone slow down!"  It's just like Darry to take lead but even he looked worried. "Let's start at the park and go from there" said Dally. "Let's go" I said and we all grabed our jackets and headed for the park. Johnny led us to where they had toke Beth. There was blood on the ground and tire tracks. "First let's see if we can follow any traces of they're car" said Dally. Suddenly from all the shock Megan fainted. I caught her. She woke up a minute later and started crying. She wouldn't let go of me, like she was hanging on for her life.

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