Beth wakes up

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Johnny's POV

She's moving, she waking up. "What's up guys?" Soda walks in. "She waking up!" I said. "Calm down there Johnny, she gonna be fine." said Pony "Ugh, what's up guys?" she's awake. "Not much, just you've been out cold for about two days." Megan said from across the room. Megan just shut up, I thought to my self. "Where are the others?" asked Beth. "Savannah, Eliana and Jess are at school, Darry is at work and Two-bit and Dally are who know's where." I replied. "Um can I have some thing to eat?" Megan asked. Steve entered the room with a tray of food. "Here you are kiddo, eat up. Oh Hi Beth." "So what have I missed?" asked Beth. "Well Dally, Savannah, Jess and Two-bit went out and found the leader of those Socs and they creamed him." She seems to like that I thought. How come I can't losen up, I never felt this way before. Like I'm a guard dog and I have to protect Beth from anything that could happen.

Beth's POV

Ugg I'm so bored I thought to myself. Why can't I go, Megan already left. I wish Johnny was here. Savannah, Megan, Jess and Eliana walked in. "How's our little Bethypooh feeling?" "Jess you know how feel, it's the same way you feel eveyday in school. Incredibly bored!" "Well then I have some good news for you the docter says you can leave this afternoon, if you promise to use your cruches and don't strain yourself." said Eliana "Really that's great! I can't wait to see everyone." I practicly jumped out of bed. "Whoa slow down Bethypooh, remember you need to use your cruches." "Thank's Savannah, I really don't want to stay in here any longer." All the girls helped me get all my stuff together, then we all got in to Savannah's car. I couldn't wait to get home. When we got there Eliana, Megan and Savannah ran up to the apartement. Jess stayed behind and helped me up the stairs. Jess opened to door for me and I walked in. "It's great to be home" I said. "It's great to have you back" said Jess "Our little gang was incomplete without you".

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