Chapter 1

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Levy Mcgarden was short for an eighteen year old, petite really. Her light skin went well with her light blue hair that went to her shoulders, which was tied back with a yellow orange head ribbon. Her brown eyes beaming. She was walking to Magnolia on her way to the bookstore like she did almost everyday for the past four years. Reading was all she ever really did in her spare time. Everyday she had a new book from the bookstore in Magnolia, earning her the title of the town bookworm. As Levy walked into town she noticed people getting ready for the festival. The very reason her eyes were beaming. She smiled remembering last years. There was no doubt in her mind it would be as amazing as the last one, and all the years before that. As she walked into the bookstore, the storekeeper immediately recognized her. She had long light purple hair tied up in a ponytail, glasses, and pale skin matching her dark cape and dress. "Already finished that book from yesterday? Well, can't say I'm surprised" the storekeeper commented , a Spanish accent in her voice. "It's hard when you just can't put it down, do you have anything new?" Levy asked  still looking at the shelves. "Yup, a whole crate worth" the storekeeper said as she picked up a large crate. "And I ordered your favorite, just for you miss Levy" she said handing Levy a brown book with golden swirls on the front and back cover. "Thank you so much!" Levy exclaimed as she paid for her new book. As Levy walked out of the bookstore, the store keeper smiled. As she walked out of the bookstore, she began to read her book, stopping to sit at the beautiful water fountain in the center of the street. Meanwhile, at the tavern Laxus, a large muscular blond man with a scar vertically across his left eye, had just won a good old fashioned bar brawl without a single hit on him. Laxus The Lightning Dragon Slayer was the strongest man in the town of Magnolia, and standing almost seven feet tall, with the power of a dragon, specifically a lightning dragon. A Dragon Slayer was a wizard, or mage, who had the characteristics of a dragon. This included sensitive hearing, smell, and sight along with inhuman speed and strength. They could eat the element, meaning Laxus could eat lightning and gain more power while doing so. And while all wizards could take way more physical damage than a human, Dragon Slayer could take more than the average mage. "Outstanding!" Freed said. Freed had long light green hair tied at the bottom of his low ponytail, with brown eyes. He had idolized Laxus since they were kids, and nothing on earth could break his loyalty to Laxus. "Damn, these guys are too easy. So, Freed. You going to the festival tonight?" Laxus asked Freed while sitting down take a sip from a mug of beer. "I will if you are" Freed said answering Laxus. "Of course, since Levy will be there" Laxus said. "Isn't she that old inventor's daughter, who does nothing but read?" Freed asked. "Yup, and speak of the devil. There she is" Laxus said looking out the window to see Levy reading a book at the fountain. He got up and walked out of the tavern. Levy was at her favorite part of the book, when it was pulled away from her hands. "Hey, give me ba-" Levy said stopping mid sentence. "Oh, it's just you Laxus" Levy said obviously annoyed when she turned around to see Laxus. She wasn't really surprised, he always found some way to bother her every time she came to town. "You happy to see me?" Laxus asked holding the book above Levy's reach, making her stand on her toes. "No. Now if I could have my book back..." Levy said before jumping as high as she could to grab book, only to have Laxus raise it higher in the air. "I will on one agreement," Laxus said as he bent down to Levy's eye level. "You have to save me a dance at the festival tonight" Laxus said with a sly smile on his face. "I might consider it if you give my book" Levy said as Laxus dropped her book on the stone street, and walked away back to the bar. "Jokes on him. I'm not even going anymore" Levy said as she picked up her book and started to walk home. Inside the bar, Freed saw the whole thing through the window. "So, how'd it go?" the green haired man asked. "All according to plan" Laxus said with a confident smile on his face.


Just as Levy was about to touch the doorknob to her small house, she heard a loud explosion and started to see gray smoke coming from the windows. She instantly opened the door, running down the steps to the basement. "Gramps! Are you ok!" Levy yelled through the smoke that filled the room. "Yes, I'm quite fine. Thank you" said a rather short man with white hair and mustache. Gramps, otherwise known as Makarov, was working on a new invention for the magic council. A group of powerful men and women that was in charge of the magical part of the kingdom. Makarov wasn't a council member, but an inventor that worked for them. And although he has magic, it's not nearly as powerful as it used it be in his younger years. That's where Levy  got her own magic powers from. It was called solid script, where she could write almost anything and it could become real. Punches, fire, wind, you name it. "Hey Levy, while your were in town did you grab those tools I needed?" Makarov asked Levy, who had obviously forgotten her father's request. "No, I'm sorry. I'll grab them while I go to the festival tonight. On the bright side, I got a new book" Levy said holding the book to her chest. Looks like I'll be going to the festival after all, she thought to herself, not happy with herself. "Oh, that's nice. But how did you forget to grab the the tools?" Makarov asked his daughter. "The annoying blond guy" Levy said before going up the stairs to make dinner for her and her father. Makarov just rubbed his head, knowing full well who she was talking about. "Oh boy" he said, feeling his daughter's pain.


Levy started to walk through the festival after grabbing the tools her father needed. Please don't be here, Levy thought as she carefully made her way through the crowd while keeping an eye out for a certain Lighting Dragon Slayer. Then she saw a rose stand with roses of every color, even multi colored. It wouldn't hurt  buy one before I leave, Levy reasoned inside her head as she bought a red rose that faded into light pink petals at the top. After placing the rose in her basket of tools, a hand grabbed her arm and jerked her back. "So you do want a dance?" an all too familiar voice asked from behind her. "Oh no! Not you!" Levy exclaimed, as she turned around to see Laxus. As another song from the nearby band started. "I believe I was promised a dance" Laxus said as he pulled Levy towards the dancing crowd. "I NEVER PROMISED YOU ANYTHING BUDDY!" Levy yelled as Laxus forced Levy into a dancing position. "It's just a dance, damn it" Laxus told her. All throughout the song, Levy tried again and again and again to escape his grasp, even though she knew she couldn't. Her petite body wasn't meant for brawns, just brains. She was helpless in the physical department. She tried everything she could without gaining too much attention. That included stomping on his foot, digging her long nails into her hands, and headbutting his gut, which almost worked. The second Laxus let go when the song was over, she ran away as if her life depended on it. As Laxus walked away from the dancing crowd, Freed was, of course, waiting. "I get the feeling she hated that" he said matter-of-factly. "No, she's just playing hard to get" Laxus groaned as he clutched his stomach. More like painful to get, Freed thought. Meanwhile, Levy ran and ran. She only stopped when she quickly closed her door behind her, panting a if she won a marathon. "Levy, you home?" Makarov asked from the kitchen, taking his medicine. "Yeah, and I got the tools you needed" Levy said as she placed her rose into a empty vase. "Thanks kiddo, just place them on the counter. I'm off to bed, goodnight. Gotta wake up extra early" Makarov said as he walked off to his room. "Goodnight" Levy replied quietly as she placed the basket on the counter and walked off to her room to get ready for bed. The next morning Levy woke up with a start as she heard her father yelling, "I DID IT! IT'S COMPLETE!" throughout the whole house. Levy slowly sat up in her bed and looked out her window. Just barely sunrise. As the blue haired women registered her father's words, she went wide eyed as she ran to find Gramps make sure her theory was correct. "Gramps, is i-" she was cut off when Makarov finished her sentence. "Yes, it's fixed, done, working! Did you not hear what I was yelling like a madman?!" Makarov said with a huge grin on his face. "I have to get this to the council!" he said as he ran around the house like a man on a mission. In only an hour later, everything was loaded  and Makarov was riding off towards Crocus, the kingdom's capital. "I'll be back in two days time!" Makarov yelled to his daughter waving goodbye. "Ok! I'll be here when you come back!" Levy yelled back waving her hand. Little did she know, her life would never be the same after today.

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