Chapter 7

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Laxus was sitting at Magnolia's bar, drinking away his shame. I got turned down, how the heck does that happen!, his drunken mind exclaimed. Beside him was Freed, of course. Freed came for two reasons. First, to drink a little himself. Second, he knew Laxus would need help getting back home when he was done. "How does 'hic' someone just say no to a marrwiage proposal. Especially from me" Laxus said while a little sparks of lightning started to surround his hand. "Laxus I know you're mad, and drunk," Freed told his friend,saying the last two words quietly so Laxus couldn't hear him. "But perhaps the girl was just taken by surprise" Freed explained to the Lightning Dragon Slayer. Or maybe it's because you two aren't even courting, Freed thought. "Yourrr right, I bet the nest time I see her she'll be apologizing" Laxus said after taking a big sip out of his huge mug of whiskey. "I think that's enough drinking for tonight" Freed said as he took away the mug of alcohol from his friend. Then suddenly, the doors burst open, revealing a soaked Makarov, due to the storm outside. "Please, I need help!" Makarov exclaimed, looking like he saw a ghost. "Calm down, what happened?" a random voice called from somewhere in the bar. "Levy has been taken captive!" Makarov yelled, his voice coated with fear and worry. "By who!" another voice asked. "An iron beast!" Makarov yelled. A roar of laughter burst out from the customers of the bar. "A beast huh, how big was it Makarov?" the librarian asked, laughing uncontrollably. "Huge! It looked like he could take on everyone in this bar, with no problem!" Makarov told the laughing crowd. Why are they laughing! Levy's in trouble, Makarov thought. "We don't have time to laugh! We need to save Levy from that iron beast!" Makarov yelled as they laughed harder. "Excuse me, but I think you've obviously had enough to drink for tonight" one of the waiters said as he escorted the old man to the door. As Makarov was forced out of the bar by the waiter, Laxus's mind couldn't help but to try and think how he could use this to his advantage. The old man's crazy, might as well be thrown into the- That's it!, as Laxus finished his thoughts, he got up and started walking towards the door. "Laxus, where are you going?" Freed asked as he caught up with Laxus. After whispering to his comrade, Laxus pulled away and continued walking away. "Granted, it's a great plan, but shouldn't you wait until tomorrow so you're at least somber?" Freed pointed out. Laxus stopped to think about it. He did need this to go perfectly, not to mention he kind of seemed drunk. "Fine tomorrow" Laxus said as he continued to away. Freed wald to his friends side. Last time he walked home from the bar, it didn't go so well. A group of guys tried to rob him and they "somehow" ended up in the hospital. Laxus claimed it was self defense, but much of the town still thought he went overboard. As he walked home with Freed keeping an eye on him, he thought about what Makarov said in the bar. What does the old man mean by he's holding Levy captive?, was the last thought the Lightning Dragon Slayer could truly recall that night.


As Makarov was forced out of the bar, he knew that he'd have to rescue Levy by himself. If they won't help I'll just do it myself. I'm coming Levy, Makarov thought as he ran home. His horse hadn't come home since the day Levy had been held captive. So he'd have to walk. Then a fact struck him. He didn't even have a clue to knowing the way to the castle. He didn't have time to pay attention as his horse got spooked by thunder when he first got there, and he couldn't even remotely remember how he even got back. I don't care, I'll find her. Even if it means it's the last thing I do in this world!, Makarov thought with determination as he ran around his house, grabbing anything he would need for his journey. Once he was done, he made sure to lock up the house. He may not come back for a while, but he still wanted his house to be safe. "At least I know to hold the map upside down from here" Makarov said to himself as he walked away from his house. Not knowing of the long and hard journey ahead of him. Meanwhile at the castle, Lucy was talking to Natsu in one of the few rooms she was able to travel to. Although Lucy was in a mirror, she still talked with her lover. "How close are Levy and Gajeel?" Lucy asked eagerly with a small spark in her brown eyes. Ever since she met the blue haired women, she knew Levy could break this curse the castle was under. "Geese Lucy, they just met, did you think think it'd be love at first sight or something?" Natsu asked, hopefully bringing his point over to the blond. "You're right, but there's nothing wrong with hoping it could happen" Lucy said looking down at the golden candle. Even though she knew there was no chance of love at first sight, some part of her still hoped it would happen. She knew that those kind of feelings take time. Time to develop and grow, something that rarely happened in a short time. "If it makes you feel better, they seem to be at least getting along now!" Natsu said with a big grin on his face. "Really!" Lucy exclaimed. As she did, Natsu noticed the way her eyes lit up, how they sparkled in a completely unique and beautiful way. "Really, but we lost another petal today, sorry" Natsu said in a sad voice. That's the fifth petal so far, we don't have that much time left, Lucy thought, not realizing that she started to cry. Small tears starting to fall from her eyes. "Don't you worry Luce! I bet we can break the curse before it's too late!" Natsu exclaimed as he touched the glass surface of the mirror. "How did you know-" Lucy started before she was cut off by Natsu. "I'm your fiance Lucy, I know what you're thinking" Natsu said in a stern voice. "Well, I believe you Natsu. With no doubt in my mind" Lucy said placing her hand where she would have touched Natsu's. She meant it. Lucy meant every word she said. She really had no doubt in her mind and heart. She knew Levy was the one that would save everyone in the castle. She just had to wait and be patient, even though it would be painfully slow. Natsu never gave up hope, no matter what the odds were. So now she just had to do the same. She just hoped Gajeel could learn to more kind, and less aggressive. So much more less aggressive. For everyone's sake.

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