Chapter 14

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Gray walked quietly walked around the castle, and it was past midnight. He was with Natsu and Happy, who was carrying a book that look awfully similar to the one Mira was trapped in. "Hey pyro, where's Wendy and Erza?" the black clock asked. "They'll be here in a minute snowman" Natsu answered Gray, returning his insult. "Are you two going to fighting after I specifically told you not to!" a certain feminine voice scolded. "No ma'am! We're best friends aren't we!" Natsu and Gray said in unison. "Hi guys, sorry I'm a little late" Wendy said quietly, carrying the scissors that Levy helped her make earlier. "That's alright" Erza said. "Come on, let's get going" Natsu said, walking on the direction of the room Mira was in. "Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed, the book being held by his tail. When they opened the iron door, they did it with caution. They couldn't get caught here, not tonight. Opening Mira's book, the room once again dimmed and filled with light particles. "Hi guys!" Mira said with a smile. "Hi Mira. Guess what I got!" Wendy told Mira, revealing the scissors from behind her. Mira gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. I can finally get out of here, I can see them again, Mira thought, not noticing the tear of happiness that fell down her cheek. "Mira, are you ok?" Wendy asked with a worried voice. "No, child, I'm not ok. I'm great!" Mira said, a few more happy tears falling from her eyes. "Well then, let's continue" Erza said. Wendy nodded her head and handed the scissors to Natsu and Gray. Lifting each handle, they brought the enchanted item over to the top of the chain. "Ready Mira?" Natsu asked. Mira nodded her head, no more tears on her happy face. Gray and Natsu cut the chain, with ease. Immediately the chain started to disappear into light, and vanish. Happy lowered Mira's book on the ground, and placed the decoy book on it's stand that Mira's book was on. "So, now that you're free, we have a surprise for you" Erza said closing the book. After everything was back to normal in the room, the group silently closed the iron door. In a matter of minutes, the group reached a grand looking door. It was the door to the ballroom When they walked in the dusty ballroom, they opened Mira again. And what she saw, had her tuning in happy tears. In the room was a huge white shield, and a white cat with big blue eyes. "Mira!" the two objects cried, making their way towards Mira. "Lisanna! Elfman!" Mira cried as she bent down to her younger siblings. When she went to pull them in a hug, she only went through them. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. I'm still not actually here, I'm just a hologram!, Mira screamed inside her head. But she wouldn't let this stop the meeting of her brother Elfman, the shield, and her sister Lisanna, the cat. She hadn't seen them for three years. As long as she was behind that iron door, no one would dare to see her. "I'm so happy to see you big sister!" Lisanna said through tears that would not stop falling, her ears pressed against her head, Elfman was in a similar state. "We thought we wouldn't see you again" he cried. When Elfman cried, you knew that his emotions were real, and right now he was crying harder than he ever had in his life. Since they could only hug the air, Lisanna and Elfman hugged where her body would have been. By the doorway, Erza, Wendy, Happy, Gray, and Natsu were crying at the happy scene. Well, the girls were. The guy's were trying to hold their tears in, failing as the tears weld up in their eyes. They wanted to help Mira before this, but they didn't know how. Especially with Natsu and Gray fighting every second. And because paper, Wendy, and Gray is flammable, that wouldn't work out so much. The fact that Mira was inside a room with an iron door made it even harder. The last time someone tried to enter a room with an iron door, Gajeel threw the culprit in the dungeon for five months. Their all together now, they'll be alright, Wendy thought as she turned to go to bed. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but no one must know about this, Gajeel can't know about this" Erza said. "Erza's right. Keep Mira somewhere safe, where no one would know. Plus, don't keep her open for more than five minutes" Gray said. "Yeah, and we gotta be sure Levy doesn't mention her after she meets Mira, ok?" Natsu told the siblings. The all nodded their heads. If they wanted this curse broken, Gajeel can't know that Mira was broken out. If he did, everything might to go the hell.


Besides the massive thunder storm outside, was a calm night. Well, calm by the servants standard. Gajeel never really allowed a calm night. But tonight, he seemed less pissed off, but still angry. And they knew why. It was the same night of the disappearance of his father, King Metalicana. Gajeel was twelve when he went missing on an errand that took him out of the kingdom. No one even found the body. Ever since that day, Gajeel became cold hearted and distant from the world, he started treating everyone like shit. He just could never get over it, he didn't know how to. Only Lily, his long time friend, was the only one that could calm him down. But he was away on a job along with Happy and Carla. Why am I here, I know already he's not coming back, Gajeel thought as he stood by the doors. Then, there was a knock. Gajeel opened a door to reveal an old woman soaking wet from the storm, she was holding a sparkling ruby red rose. The only thing of wealth she had was a ruby necklace around her neck. "Please, I need some shelter from the rain. Can I come inside" the tired woman said. Something about this woman seemed off, but Gajeel ignored it. "Tell you what, I'll let you sleep in the stables if you give me that necklace of yours" Gajeel told her. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you this" The old women said. "Then beat it" Gajeel said, starting to close the door. "I'll ask one more time. May I please stay here for one night?" the old woman asked. "Hell no" Gajeel stated, closing the door. Sighing, the dragon slayer walked towards his room when suddenly he was overcome by pain. Everything went black as he heard the door open. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was a beautiful woman with black hair, white skin, and maroon colored eyes. "Who the hell are you!" Gajeel yelled at her. "May I come in?" she asked. That small question told him who she was, but he still seemed confused. "You should have let me in, now, you'll be a beast forever" she said, heading towards the doors. "The hell do you mean lady!" Gajeel yelled. "Your staff and yourself are under a curse. I'll give you a chance to learn from your mistake. If you can find someone to love and be loved by in return before the last petal falls from that rose, you'll be set free. If not, you shall stay like this till the day you die" she said as closed the door. Gajeel got up and wandered through the castle, noticing everyone was missing. It wasn't until he saw his reflection in a hall mirror, that he understood everything he was told. Gajeel woke up, sweaty from his nightmare. Shit, this dream again, Gajeel thought as he sat up on his bed. He looked around his room, and found that the other side of the bed was empty. At that moment, he felt a pain in his heart. Laying back down in his bed, he prepared himself for a long night full of regretful feelings. Staring up at the ceiling, he knew why his heart hurt right now. It was because Levy wasn't here to take the pain away, like she did every time he saw her. He hated to admit it, but he felt like he was falling in love with shrimp.

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