Chapter 9

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Levy was pulling Gajeel behind her looking for Wendy. For about a nine inch doll, this girl could run! Geez Gajeel! I know you're not exactly the complimenting type, but at least you could have said it tastes great!, Levy yelled in her eyebrows knitted together, her eye. When she turned a corner Levy and Gajeel almost collided with two flying exeeds. Levy let a small and short scream as she started falling backwards. Before she could even fall halfway, Gajeel caught her by her forearm and immediately stood up . The two cats Levy bumped into were on the floor rubbing their heads. One of them looked like a girl, with snow white silky fur and a regal look in her brown eyes. The other cat was most likely a boy, his soft fur was blue and his eyes were onyx. "Carla! Are you ok?" the blue cat asked the white cat in a rather cute voice. "I'm fine Happy" Carla replied to the blue cat with a royal voice. "I'm sorry! I was trying to catch up to a doll named Wendy-" Levy didn't get a chance to continue when Carla stopped her in mid sentence. "Wendy! What happened! Is she alright?" Carla asked sounding worried. "She ran off" Gajeel grumbled behind Levy. Although it didn't look like it, he felt really guilty. Not as guilty as guilty as he should be, but still very guilty. "Gajeel, you know how sensitive she is! Come on, I might know where she is" Carla scolded as a pair of angelic wings appeared on Happy and Carla's back. Sooner or later, Carla and Happy started to fly up a stairway. "Why the hell would Wendy go to the tallest tower?" Gajeel asked when Happy and Carla put him and Levy down. "She was a Sky Dragon Slayer metalhead" Happy stated. "Shut the hell up!" Gajeel yelled at Happy, causing the blue exeed to hide behind Levy. "Don't let him hurt me!" Happy cried, knowing that as long as he was protected by solid script mage, the iron dragon wouldn't do a thing. The blue haired woman turned her head to look at the blue exeed. "Don't worry, but let's find Wendy" Levy told the group before continuing up the stairs. Once she opened the wooden door to the tower, she could tell why Wendy would love it here. The view was amazing! The sky looked so close, and the sun shined against the stone so it looked like it was glowing. The best part was that you could see almost the whole forest. The trees, streams, everything. Then, there was Wendy, sitting on the stone railing, looking at the sky. "Wendy, are you alright child?" Carla asked the little doll, flying towards her. "Yeah, I'm ok" Wendy quietly replied, not taking her eyes off of the sky. Gajeel turned his head only to find the script mage glare at him with as much fury as a demon. Having her angry at him didn't settle with him. She'll make sure I apologize one way or another. Let's get this over with, Gajeel told himself in his head. "Gajeel? Why did you come" Wendy asked when she turned around. Why did he come? It's not like he would just apologize, Gajeel didn't do that. Well, if he did he didn't do it often. "I came to apologize" Gajeel grumbled quietly, making it difficult for everyone to here. "Gajeel, I couldn't hear you" Wendy said. "I came to apologize!" Gajeel said again, only louder and more angry. "Whoa! You can apologize!" Wendy said surprised. "Geese you make it sound I'm a jerk" Gajeel said with his arms crossed. "You kind of are" Carla said in an obvious tone. "Shut up cat!" Gajeel yelled, but only ended up bringing Happy into argument. "Hey! Don't tell at Carla!" Happy shouted, trying to defend the white exeed. We're all getting off topic! I didn't grab Gajeel and find Wendy only so he can fight with Happy and Carla!, Levy shouted in her mind. The more she watch them argue, the more closer she was to crossing her line. Then, she saw Wendy, a small smile on her face. Why was she smiling? It just didn't make sense. "STOP!" Levy screamed, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. "Wendy, why are you smiling? You were sad a bit ago" Levy asked concerned for the little doll and kneeling down to her. "Because, he was at least willing to apologize" Wendy said simply before jumping down from the stone railing, walking towards the door. What? She thinks he's not going to apologize to her?, Levy asked herself in her mind. Gajeel looked over, or down, at the short women. He knew he had to apologize to Wendy, for some reason Levy was desperate to get him to say sorry. Sucking up his pride, he opened the door but stopped before walking down into the stairway. "Sorry Wendy. The cake was great though" Gajeel said before closing the door and walking down to the rest of the castle. Wendy had the biggest smile you could imagine. He apologized to me! Apologized! He never does that!, was all she could think inside her little head of hers. Happy and Carla just looked shocked at the door. They never guessed that they would live to see the day that Gajeel The Iron Dragon Slayer, would say sorry to anyone. Levy just had a simple smile on her face, but her mind was thanking him. It's about time stupid Gajeel. You have no idea how happy Wendy is, Levy thought as she picked up the doll and walked down the long stairway. Carla and Happy on the other hand, were still in shock.

"I heard about the cake incident. I also heard that you apologized to Wendy. Plus that you got dragged around by the ear by Levy" Lily told Gajeel as the two were walking, except for Lily, side by side in the dark hallway. A sly and playful smirk on his face. "Really? Who told you that?" Gajeel asked the exeed, now wondering if the whole castle knew. "Levy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Natsu, Erza, Gray, some of the other maids, that silent coat rack," Pantherlily said, counting off each name with his fingers. "Ok, sheesh, I get it. A lot of people know, and told you about it" Gajeel told the black flying exeed, crossing his scaled arms across his chest. The two continued their way in silence. That is until Lily decided to tease Gajeel some more. "So, she dragged you by the ear did she?" Lily asked in a teasing voice as he glanced at Gajeel. Gajeel just looked away, not commenting. "Gajeel The Iron Dragon Slayer. Dragged around his own castle by the ear, by a five foot women who didn't end up in the infirmary. I'm starting to think you like her more than you lead on" Lily said, making Gajeel even more mad by each passing second.


"Yes Gajeel?"

"Shut the hell up!"

"Oh? Why?"

"Because I don't like her! And to honest, I don't think I ever will. And I think she'd agree with me!" Gajeel exclaimed, making Lily's face became serious. "Well maybe you should at least try. We lost our fifth petal, and I don't know how much time we have left! I know you'll stay like this, but what about everybody else!" Lily yelled, not being able to contain his worry for his family anymore. The whole hallway was dead silent, not a single sound. Not knowing what else to do or say, they both looked at the floor. "I'm just worried that I'll lose our family. I know you view them the same way, so at least try. If we don't break the curse on time, then at least you would have tried" Lily said, breaking the heavy silence. "I'll try damn it" Gajeel said as he walked to his room. Lily couldn't help but smile a little. Maybe it wasn't as hopeless as he may have thought.

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