Chapter 5

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When Gajeel woke up, the rainstorm had vanished and all that was left was puddles of different shapes and sizes. After laying in bed for a few more minutes, the iron scaled man got up and got dressed so he could start his morning small rounds. As Gajeel walked to the dining room, he could hear Levy talking with Lily. They seemed to be going the same way as him, despite that he had said last night. "So, what's Erza like?" Levy asked. "Well, she's the second strongest in this castle. She also had a little anger issue at times" Lily told Levy while he was flying. "Well, she sound better than Laxus" Levy said with a smile. "Laxus?" Lily asked with a bit of surprise in his voice. Gajeel stiffened when he heard that name. It can't be the same guy, He thought to himself. "Yeah, Laxus is a Lightning Dragon Slayer. But he's a jerk, shallow, and a bit of a narcissist. In fact, yesterday, before I was imprisoned, he came to my house and asked me to marry him" Levy answered Lily. "How did that go?" Lily asked Levy. "Of course, I said no. We weren't even courting" Levy said. "Does he have a scar over his face by any chance?" Lily asked with a serious face. "Yes, how did you know?" Levy asked surprised. Shit, it's this guy again, Gajeel thought. "He just seems like the guy who would have a scar in the face" Lily said, opening the door to the kitchen. As Levy walked into the kitchen, Gajeel stopped in front of the door, only to walk away a second later. I'll eat breakfast last today, Gajeel decided in his head. In the kitchen, Levy sat in a stool what she assumed were Gray and Natsu watching work, when she had a idea. "Hey, can I cook with you guys?" she ask. "Sure, can you get iron for us? It's-" Gray started, but was cut off by Levy. "The metal?" Levy asked, wondering why on earth they would need iron. "Yeah" Natsu replied as he lit up the stove "Solid Script Iron!" Levy exclaimed as the word "iron" appeared in the air and crashed down on the floor. "Or you just could that" Gray said staring at the iron word. "It's made out of iron?" Natsu asked, amazed. "Yup" Levy said smiling. "Can you by any chance help every morning?" Gray asked Levy, still staring at the iron. "No problem!" Levy said as she got two eggs so she could make her own breakfast.


Gajeel had finished his very small morning routine when he got to the dining room to eat breakfast. When he walked in his meal, iron, was already on a plate. As he sat down, he noticed the odd form of his iron and knew exactly who made it. The iron even tasted better. After scarfing down his food, he decided to take a walk around the castle. As he walked down one of the dark hallways, he found Levy in a well light room reaching for a book on a small bookshelf. The book was just out of her reach. And she wonders why I call her shrimp, Gajeel thought as he smirked to himself. "I know I'm going to regret this" Gajeel heard Levy say quietly before she carefully started to climb the bookshelf. When she finally grabbed the book, the bookshelf let out a loud "creek". Then the bookshelf started to leaning back, and Levy lost her grip. As Levy braced for impact, she felt herself stop in midair. Opening her eyes she saw Gajeel holding her to his chest with one arm, and holding the bookshelf up with the other. "Gajeel!" Levy exclaimed as she went wide eyed. Standing up to his full height, the large man pushed the bookshelf back against the wall. "Oi, ya need to to be more careful shrimp. What if I wasn't here?" Gajeel said as red eyes met brown eyes. "I would be perfectly fine. I'm tougher than I look" Levy said glaring at him. "Tsh,sure you would" Gajeel told Levy as he set her down on her feet. "I will" Levy said as she bent down to pick up the books. Deciding to help her, Gajeel started to pick up books alongside the short women. "Oi, shrimp, why'd you climb the shelf for a dumb book?" Gajeel asked in a gruff tone, once they finished picking up the books. Levy knitted her eyebrows together, showing her annoyance. "I wouldn't expect you to understand" Levy mumbled as she sat up and quickly left the room, wanting to get as far away as possible.


Lily showed Levy at least half the castle by eight-thirty. With each room he showed her, Levy's eyes would sparkle. Since Levy was new, the staff had decided that some had to show her around. And Lily ended up taking that job. About half way through their little tour, they had stopped for lunch in the dining room. Wendy helped Levy make a sandwich, while Lily had a few kiwis from the cellar downstairs. The blue haired women found it kind of funny, how such a tuff looking exeed could get so excited over a few fruit. After their lunch break, Lily continued showing Levy the castle. "Last room for today" the small exeed told Levy, who only nodded her head rapidly in excitement. Opening the door, Levy rushed into a beautiful observatory that looked like it hasn't been used in years. "Wow! You can see all the constellations from here!" Levy said, her eyes sparkling. Levy walked into the middle of the room then laid down. "What the are you doing?" Lily asked crossing his arms. "I'm stargazing. Haven't you ever stargazed before?" Levy asked sitting up. "Oh no. I was too busy teaching Gajeel how to fight. Mavis knows how hard that was" Lily told Levy, chuckling a bit when memories started to surface. "Well then I need to show you all the constellations. Let's start with draco, that's a dragon" Levy told the exeed as he laid down beside her.


"And that's the story of Pisces" Levy told Lily in a sleepy tone. The black exeed looked at Levy. She was on her side, snuggled against his own small side. Levy had been showing him the constellations and telling their stories for almost two hours. "Levy, you awake?" Lily asked quietly, not daring to move. When he got no answer, he knew that Levy was fast asleep. After letting out a sigh, Lily got up, carefully so he wouldn't wake up the blue haired women sleeping on the floor. Then, Lily carefully and gently picked up Levy by her back and slowly flew to Levy's room. After finally reaching her room, the black held Levy in both arms, while his long tail opened the door. Setting Levy in her bed, Lily walked out of her room. Once in his own room, he started to get ready for bed. But all through the night, Lily stayed up. Wondering how much time his family had left, and if he should intervene with the curse or let fate decide. He honestly couldn't decide, but one thing was for sure. It was all up to Gajeel and whether or not he would care enough to try and fix his grave mistake.

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