Chapter 12

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Laxus walked up to a giant building that was grand in a evil kind of way. Freed was by his side, a calm look on his face that was somehow still scary. Opening the door, Laxus and Freed walked into the building. It was a combination of a bar, and a city hall. Sitting down at the bar, Laxus and Freed ordered drinks. "Alright, what do you want now Laxus" the barmaid demanded, handing them their drinks. "I want to talk to Allen" Laxus replied simply. "Why would you want to talk to the crackpot keeper?" she asked. "I have a request I'd like to offer" Laxus said. "Alright, he's over there" the barmaid said pointing at a table with a lonely man sitting there. "Thank you for your help" Freed said as he and Laxus walked over to the directed table. Sitting down, Laxus and Freed looked at the man. He appeared to be in his mid-fifties. "I haven't seen you in a while Laxus how are you doing?" Allen asked as he dipped his drink. "I'm doing good. But, I have a problem that requires your help" Laxus began to explain. "What is it?" Allen asked, with a sly smile on his face. "You see, I found the perfect girl. But she won't say yes. I need help convincing her. She loves her father dearly, and would do anything for him" Laxus told the man who now wore a evil smile on his face. "Even marry you to keep him out of the asylum. God, you must be desprite" Allen said putting all the pieces together. "Yeah, the only problem is that Levy might be on a very long trip, and I don't know when she'll be back" Laxus stated. "Tsh, Women" Allen said before taking a finishing gulp of his drink. "Laxus, don't think I do these kind of jobs for free" the dark man said sternly. "I know, I'll pay you when I need you. Deal?" Laxus said holding out his hand. After smirking, Allen shook Laxus's hand with a strong grip. The deal was made. "Thanks, I'll keep in touch. Come on Freed" Laxus said, standing up with Freed following the same pursuit.

The two walked for a bit, just walking back to the usual bar they went to. "Laxus, what will you do if Levy doesn't come?" Freed asked breaking the silence. "She will, she won't stay away from her old man for long" Laxus answered. "Granted, but how long will that be though?" Freed asked, looking at the tall lighting dragon. "Don't know" Laxus said simply going into the bar they reached. "All of this won't end well. I can feel it" Freed told himself as he followed Laxus. But before going in, he looked at the softly falling snow.


Erza was eating some strawberry cake with Wendy. It was more of a midnight snack though. Still, they made sure to have some girl time, to talk, gossip, or other things. "Erza, do you think Levy can help us?" the wooden doll asked. Erza almost swallowed her cake, her eyes widening. "Honestly Wendy, I have no idea, but at least we can hope for best that she can" Erza said smiling down at the doll. Though, she didn't know if Levy could actually help. The blue haired women and that iron dragon were complete opposites. Sure they were good friends now, but Erza didn't think that Levy would ever do what needed to be done to help everyone in the castle. It was just like she said, at least they could hope. But that doesn't mean that we can't help them!, Erza thought slamming her cake down on the counter. "That's it! Wendy, come on! I know what to do! Let's go get Natsu and Gray! We're going to see Mirajane!" Erza said with a determined sparkle in her eye. Wendy could have swore she'd seen a sparkly aura around the gleaming sword. "MIRA! ARE YOU SURE?" Wendy shouted. "Yes, she can help us! It's our only solution!" Erza yelled as she ran out the door.


Natsu, Gray, and Wendy followed Erza while huddling close together. They were shaking as they came closer to the iron door in front of them. "Erza, what if we get caught?" Wendy asked, her question being ignored. The door that held the room that held Mira. Mira was once one of the strongest knights in the castle, even tied with Erza. But she was a master matchmaker. In fact, half of the castle's staff couples were her doing. One of them being married for five years, with a five year child. If anyone could help them, it was Mirajane Strauss. The Demon. She may seem nice, but she could kill you in seconds and nobody would know. Erza entered a room that was filled with magic books and items that were too dangerous for the main library and the rest of the castle. They quietly closed the iron door. The group approached a golden book with a big heart shaped gem in the front cover that was chained to the wall. Erza looked at her friends who were shaking. Ignoring them she opened the book. The room darkened and light particles were everywhere. Then in the middle of the room was a glowing ghost like women with Crystal blue eyes and long flowing white hair. "Erza, Gray, Wendy, Natsu! It's good to see you!" She said sitting on her knees. The worries expressions went away with hearing the women's happy and optimistic voice. They haven't heard it in three long years. "You too Mira. We came because I need you help" Erza said. "Sure, what do you need?" Mira asked, never releasing her smile. "There's this girl named Levy, and we think she might be the one" Erza told Mira. "Really! Ok, I know what you want, but I'll have to meet her first. Ok?" Mira said standing up. "Yes, but how long until you start to make a plan?" Erza asked. "First things first dear, I have to meet Levy. Even then, it will take a few months to create the perfect plan from in this room, since the book is chained here. But when I have the plan ready, it will work. I am a matchmaker after all" Mira explained. "Alright, we understand" Gray said. "One more thing. Tell me everything that's happened, and what happens in the future later. If they fight, I may have to change a few things, got it?" Mira asked. "Ok!" Wendy said with a hopeful smile. "Goodbye, Mira!" the group yelled as Erza was about to touch the book. If it was open for too long, Gajeel would be able to sense the magic energy coming from it. "Wait! Not yet, I know our time is limited, but how are my brother and sister doing? Elfman and Lisanna?" Mira asked, worry on her face. Erza's face softened. "They miss you a lot, but fine" Erza said as she closed the book slowly. Mira and the light particles disappeared as the room brightened up again. "See, that wasn't so bad" Erza said calmly, carefully closing the iron door. It wasn't the women they were afraid of, but the door, and what it meant that scares them. They could have gotten in huge trouble if they had gotten caught. But they could all agreed that it is and would be worth it. As they all went to their separate rooms, the all slept soundly with dreams of being human again.

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