Chapter 21

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Levy ran out of the castle with stinging tears in her eyes, and she was still in her orange ball gown. In fact, she didn't want to leave her friends or the man she loved. But the blue haired woman knew she had to help her father. And once she told him everything, she'd come back and tell Gajeel she loved him. When I come back. And I will, Levy thought to herself as she ran to find where her father was. Levy continued to run farther and farther away from the castle, but closer and closer to her father. She ran down a dirt path of the dark forest, the pure white moonlight coming through the trees every so often. And every once in awhile she would check her communication lacrima to see if she was heading in the right direction. Her hunch was corrected right when she saw the still body of her father on the same log and Zefer was only a few yards away. Picking up her father, Levy hoisted him and herself up onto Zefer's back. "Take us home Zefer!" Levy exclaimed as her horse galloped out of the woods and back to Magnolia where Levy could treat her father.


Makarov woke up to a bright light, and warm air. Where am I?, Makarov thought. "Gramps! You're awake!" Levy said excitedly. "Levy!" the old man said instantly sitting straight up to see his darling daughter. The blue haired solid script mage gently pulled her father into a loving hug. "You are in serious trouble young lady! I thought I wouldn't see you ever again!" Makarov scolded his daughter lovingly. "I know, but I wanted to save you. And I did, twice" Levy said, hugging her father a bit tighter. And for the next two days, Levy did nothing but tend to her father's health, she didn't change clothes or take any long breaks, and she always slept in the chair next to his bed. Makarov was getting better faster than Levy had expected for someone his age. Makarov couldn't help but notice the sad and heartbroken look in her eyes. What's got her down? She's home, she should be happy, Makarov thought while Levy was reading one of her beloved books. "The end" Levy said sadly as she finished her book. It was a bit after sunset, and Gramps decided to find out what had his daughter acting this way. "What's wrong kiddo? You haven't done anything but take care of me, no talking except for when you read. And you have this look in your eyes" Gramps said sitting up in his bed, with a small coughing fit. "Oh, well, I, umm" Levy started to say, but was stopped by the sound of loud, harsh knock on the door. "Well, I guess I should go get the door then!" Levy told her father, relieved that someone was there to create a distraction. However, relief was quickly replaced with high annoyance when she was met with the towering figure of Laxus in front with Freed quietly behind him. "What do you want!" Levy yelled with much venom. "What the hell happened to you over the past few months?" Laxus asked. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Levy thought bitterly as she glared at him. "Anyway, I came for your father" Laxus said as he saw Makarov walking up behind Levy. "Why would you want to see my father?" Levy asked, her annoyance gone and overtaken with worry. "Well, I know you can read," Laxus said, as he pulled the door open further to reveal almost the whole town. But the one thing that stood out the most was a wagon the read asylum. "My father is not insane!" Levy said as Freed came into her house and came out with Makarov, dragging him out by the arm. "Let go of me!" he yelled. "He came into the bar one night raving like a lunatic about a beast who was keeping you prisoner" Laxus said. "He's not crazy! It's the truth!" Levy cried as she followed Freed. "We can't trust you, we all know you'd do anything for your father. That includes lying for him" Freed said as he locked Makarov in the padded wagon. "He's not crazy and I can prove it" Levy said quickly, not thinking her plan through one bit. All she knew right now was that she needed to help her father. Levy pulled out her communication lacrima. "Show me Gajeel!" Levy cried as the lacrima showed the image of Gajeel standing out on his, the moonlight shining on his angry face, making him look terrifying to the towns folk. The second Levy heard a scream, she realised she made a mistake that would cost her dearly. And before she knew it, Laxus was holding the lacrima and staring at it. "Dear Mavis, he's a beast" Fred whispered to himself. Meanwhile, the townspeople were assuming the worst.

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