Chapter 13

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Levy was walking with Wendy. She had just came out of the library, and according to Gray it was two-thirty, in the afternoon of course. She already ate lunch, as well as make Gajeel's iron. Now the blue haired woman was walking along side the wooden doll. "Wendy, where are we going?" Levy asked. "We're going to a room we call, the magic workshop" Wendy said, reaching a door. The door was dark oak and covered in gold. Levy stared at it, and walked in after Wendy had opened door. When the blue haired women saw the room, her eyes sparkled at the sight of it. She could see why the staff called it the magic workshop. The room was huge. In one area there were counters with ingredients in glass jars that were labeled, while in another there was a desk with a half finished wand. Crystal prisms hung by the windows on the left wall, catching the sunlight creating a rainbow effect on the whole room. Best of all, the long walls were covered with bookshelves that most likely held books on all types of magic and potions. The only clear spot was a small area with a mirror on the wall. The whole room was just amazing, but what broke Levy's heart was the dust on everything. By the looks of it, the magic workshop hasn't been used in a long time. "Levy, I need your help with something" Wendy said climbing on top of a desk. "Sure, what do you need?" the blue haired woman asked. "I need your help to make an object that can cut through any metal, magic or not" Wendy said looking at Levy with the sweetest smile she could make. "Sure, but why?" Levy asked the wooden doll. "Because, I, um, I'm helping a friend with something" Wendy told Levy, sounding unsure. Helping out and breaking out were pretty much the same thing, right? "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" a sudden voice said, causing Wendy and Levy to scream. "W-who's there!" Wendy stuttered. "Look at the mirror silly" the voice said again. Levy and Wendy calmed down, knowing who it was. There was Lucy in the mirror, the rainbow light adding to her already beautiful features. "So, whatcha guys doing?" Lucy asked again. "Wendy needs help making an object strong enough to break any kind of metal. Magical or not" Levy said looking for the books she'd need. "Why would you need that Wendy?" Lucy asked the small doll. "I'm helping Mira out" Wendy said a bit quickly. "MIRA!" Lucy yelled. "Lucy, not so loud!" Wendy warned her friend. Geese! Does she want to be caught be Gajeel!, Wendy thought in her head. "Who's Mira?" Levy asked. "The friend I'm helping. She's in a similar state as Lucy. She can't get out, but we can make it easier for her. That's why I know Lucy will help, because she understands what's she's going through" Wendy told Levy while looking at Lucy with a stern face, telling her that she should help. Lucy's face turned apologetic and she took a deep breath before letting it out. "Ok, middle shelf on your left side Levy" Lucy said. In a few seconds, Levy pulled out three books and a pair of red glasses out of her pocket. "What are thoses?" Wendy asked. "These are a special kind of glasses that allow me to read at an amazing speed" Levy told Wendy as she opened the books and the words seemed to fly by as the pages flipped. In a matter of minuets, Levy read three books that would have taken her at least a few days. She closed the books and stood up. "Alright, I need a bowl and a pair of scissors" Levy said with a determined look on her face, causing Lucy and Wendy to smile.


Wendy walked out of the magic workshop with a pair of scissors in her arms. She had already said her thank you's to the petite woman in the room, who was cleaning up their small mess. "Thanks for helping Lucy, but what did Wendy mean when she said that Mira was in a similar state as you?" Levy asked while putting the books back in their places on the bookshelf. "Mira is, well, trapped in a book. And she's chained to the wall, so that was why Wendy needed the scissors" Lucy explained to Levy. "Oh, well I hope they work. See you later Lucy" Levy said walking out of the magic workshop. Based off of Lucy's reaction, Mira must be a reason she's locked up. But if she was, then why was Wendy helping her? As she thought about what Mira was like, she didn't notice her surroundings and slammed face to chest with a certain dragon slayer. Out of sudden instinct, Gajeel reached out and grabbed the solid script mages arms before she fell back too far. Levy opened her eyes as she felt herself being set back on her feet correctly. She was happy to see it was the iron dragon Slayer. Why do I have to be so clumsy!, Levy internally yelled to herself. "Are you ok? Your face is a little bit red" Gajeel said, making her face turn redder. "I'm fine! Tell you what, I'll go take a nap. Thanks for catching me" Levy said before she walked off. WHY THE HELL AM I BLUSHING!, Levy asked herself as she rushed to her room to try to call herself down. Meanwhile, Gajeel continued his way to the training room, where he was going to meet Lily. Every month he would train with Lily on physical and magical attacks. And he made sure to push his limits a bit farther each time. To Gajeel, you can't learn or gain anything without a little pain. The second Gajeel closed the door, he formed an iron club in seconds and raised it above his head, blocking Pantherlily's attack. "Surprise attack? That new" Gajeel said pushing Lily back a few yards. "It's supposed to be!" Lily exclaimed taking a fighting stance. "Well, try harder. Cause it ain't working!" Gajeel told his partner. "I notice you're a few minutes late, were you with Levy?" Lily said, beginning the three hours of non-stop teasing and fighting. "No! Shut the hell up!" the iron dragon yelled. Every hour the pair would take a water break, and talk until one of them tried to surprise attack the other. Lily noticed that throughout the long training session, Gajeel seemed distracted. Lily guessed that he was most likely think about Levy, but he wanted to make sure. As Lily flew at Gajeel's side on their way to the dining room for dinner, he decided to ask him about it. "You seemed distracted while we were in battle. What were you thinking about?" Lily asked his friend with a serious tone. "I was thinking about that damn thunderbolt" Gajeel started. "Are you afraid he'll come looking for her?" Lily asked. "Hell no. Just the fact that he asked her to marry him" Gajeel said, mumbling that last sentence, so that the black exeed couldn't hear him. "What if he does? If he finds us I have a feeling it won't be good" Lily said. "If, Lily, if. And plus, I can beat his ass" Gajeel said with a smirk. "Gajeel, this isn't me you'd be fighting. It's Laxus you'd be fighting, not me. You don't know his disadvantages, or his weak spot. And one time is not enough to know his battle quirks inside and out" Lily said in a stern voice. "Geese Lily I get it, new topic" Gajeel said, not wanting to talk about the lightning dragon anymore. A playful smirk instantly came across Lily's face. "Admit you like Levy" Lily said. "I don't like the woman, so drop it! We're friends and that's all I deserve to be damnit!" Gajeel yelled at Lily, stopping on the dark hallway. And at that moment, Lily knew what was wrong. He doesn't think he deserves her or the chance to be more, Lily thought, sighing. "Gajeel, I know that look. I want you to know that you're a better man than your were then" Lily said, knowing hee'd have to find another method to get threw to his friend. "Let's say you're this hall. Dark and cold," Lily started, moving to the wall. Gee, thanks Lil, Gajeel thought, crossing his arms. "Then Levy came, then, you eventually became this," Lily said before tearing off a curtain, revealing a giant window with a sunset on the other side. "Brighter and somewhat warm. Oh, and this is only one of the windows" Lily explained, pointing to the long line of curtains down the hallway. "Fine, I like the shrimp" Gajeel said before walking off down the hall. Now to take down the rest of the curtains. Starting tomorrow, Lily thought with a smile. He did it. He finally got that stubborn iron dragon to admit his feelings. And he couldn't be prouder of himself, not one damn bit.

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