Chapter 16

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When Gajeel woke up, he got dressed and walked to the kitchen. He never really eats in the dining room anymore. On his way Gajeel saw Levy carrying two tall cups of snow. "Oi, who's the other glass for?" Gajeel asked. Walking over to Gajeel, Levy held on to the glasses. "Since Lily didn't try a snow cream yet, I offered to show him. Do you want one too?" Levy asked. "Sure, you can make some snow in the kitchen" Gajeel said. "Ok, come on. Lily's waiting" Levy told Gajeel. When they came to the kitchen door, the iron dragon opened the door, earning a thank you. "Hi Lily, after I make a some snow for Gajeel we can start" Levy said. Levy wrote the small word "snow" into a tall glass, and slid it across the island to Gajeel. After teaching Pantherlily how to make a snow cream, the exeed flew over onto the pantry and came out with a kiwi. "Kiwis make everything better, so I'm adding a few slices" Lily said, noticing the confused looks on his friends faces. They nodded and started to eat they're plain snow cream. Levy was the first to finish hers, so she went to the library. "You realized you fell in love with her, didn't you?" Lily asked in a haunting time when he felt Levy was far away enough. "Shut the hell up cat!" Gajeel yelled. Dammit, how the hell does he know these things, Gajeel thought to himself. "It's nothing to be ashamed of you know" Lily told his friend. "I know that Lily, I just," Gajeel started. "You just what?" Lily said. "Dear Mavis, I don't know" Gajeel said, feeling lost. "It'll work out in the end" Lily said as he put his glass in the sink and left. Getting up, he walked over to the library where he saw Wendy being read to by Levy. Levy had wrapped the doll in a scarf to keep her warm. The iron dragon stood there for minute and walked away. He just didn't know where. Meanwhile, Mira was with her younger sister who was helping her plan. "I don't get it Mira, can't you just plan a date and be done" Lisanna asked. "Maybe, but that won't absolutely work. I leave nothing to chance and plan every last detail. From the time, to the how clean a room is, to being able predict a person's actions" Mira said looking at her blue prints. "That's why you wanted to meet Levy!" Lisanna exclaimed. "Precisely, and I'm thinking something along the lines of a ball, but it's just Gajeel and Levy by themselves" Mira said. She could be a matchmaking version of Mavis!, Lisanna thought. And she had a point, with her sister being the reason half of the castles couples were together. "Lisanna, what shade of orange does Levy like best?" Mira asked. "I don't know, I think any orange will do" Lisanna replied. "I'll have to ask Levy the next time I see her" Mira said to herself. "Hi Mira!" Lucy said from the mirror. "Lucy! Hi, perfect timing. I need you to tell me more facts about Levy, ok?" Mira asked sweetly. "Sure Mira" Lucy said.


"Thanks Lucy!" Mira waved as the blond women disappeared from the mirror. The next thing Lucy saw was her and Natsu's room. It was well lit, with the sunlight streaming through the window. Lucy was grateful that the servant quarters were better than most castles. She would come here when nobody was here and just relax, just sit in the silence. It didn't even last a few seconds, when Natsu came crashing in with Happy. "Come on Happy, I'm going to bears Gray's butt!" Natsu yelled. "What are you guys doing?" Lucy asked. "There's a snowball fight outside, so we're going to beat everyone up!" Happy exclaimed. Lucy heard that a snowball was planned today, now that she thought about. "You know, I heard Erza is going to be in that fight. It'll be pretty rough out there" Lucy said with a smirk. "Please, Happy and I can beat Erza anytime!" Natsu told Lucy with a grin. "Come on Natsu, they're starting without us!" Happy told his friend. "You go ahead of me Happy, I'll be down there in a minute" Natsu said as the blue exeed flew out the door. When Happy was outside, Natsu finally broke the silence. "If you want me to stay, I can" Natsu said looking up at the blond woman. Lucy's face looked confused, she wasn't expecting Natsu to say something like that. "No Natsu, you can't keep on staying with me and miss out on all the fun. You need to go and beat Gray up for me, plus, I won't be in here for long! Mira's helping us. Remember how she made this happen?" Lucy said lifting up her left hand, revealing an engagement ring on her ring finger. "You got a point," Natsu started, making Lucy nod. "I can totally beat up that ice princess!" Natsu exclaimed lighting up. "Natsu, that's not what I was saying!" Lucy yelled. Since when did him being able to beat up Gray come into the conversation?!, Lucy thought. "I'll go beat the life out of Gray for you Luce! See you!" Natsu yelled, using her nickname, as he ran out of the room. "I guess I'm by myself again" Lucy said to herself. From outside she could hear her friends telling insults at each other, even Erza and Wendy. Levy was most likely reading in the library. She knew where Mira was. I can't believe I was so scared to help Mira, she would have helped me without hesitation, Lucy thought sadly. That iron door. Everybody was scared of that iron door, except Lily. He would, no, could go inside those iron door and get away with it. Well, he could with Gajeel's room anyway. Deciding that she didn't want to be alone after all, Lucy disappeared from the mirror to help Mira some more. If I want to get out of here, we have to make sure everything is perfect as fast as possible. Who know's how much time we have left, the blond woman told herself as Mira's glowing ghost like appearance came into view, her sister next to the book. "Oh, Lucy. I didn't expect you here, do you need something?" Mira asked sweetly. "No, I just don't want to be alone right now" Lucy told the white haired woman. "Well ok then. We could use the extra company!" Mira exclaimed. Lucy smiled sweetly as the three began to talk. She even gave Mira a few possible idea's for the plan. Everything's going to be ok. Just like Natsu said, Lucy thought. She believed that with all her heart. And she wasn't the only one.

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