Chapter 11

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Levy woke up in the the library when a stream of morning sunlight hit her closed eyes. She felt more warm than usual. Is Lily with me? Did a thunderstorm come last night?, Levy asked herself. Then she realized her head was moving. No, not her head. It felt like someone was breathing. Levy opened her eyes halfway, blushing slightly at what she saw. She was snuggled at Gajeel's side, with a sleeping Gajeel holding her there with one warm iron scaled arm. Gajeel started to stir, signaling that he was waking up. He opened his red eyes to find himself in the library. When he looked down he found Levy half awake, between his arm and side. "Gihi, morning shrimp" Gajeel said with his weird unique laugh. "Good morning Gajeel" Levy said sleepily, rubbing her eyes. We must have fallen asleep while I was reading to him, Levy assumed in her head. Sitting up, Levy stretched her arms, and just sat there in silence until Gajeel's stomach growled a moment later. "How about we go have breakfast?" Levy suggested as the iron dragon stood up. "Great idea, I'll cook" Gajeel said bringing Levy to her feet. As they walked out of the library, the script mage at a question. "You can cook?" Levy asked. Can he cook food that can actually be eaten is the real question, Levy thought."Yeah, why" Gajeel said. "Well, you don't seem like the kind of person who cooks" Levy stated simply. "Whatever" Gajeel mumbled as he held open one of the kitchen doors. I'll show her, Gajeel thought, encouraging himself. When the stepped inside the kitchen, Levy took a seat at the kitchen island."So, what do you want for breakfast, shrimp?" Gajeel said with a smug smile. "I don't care. And it's Levy, not shrimp" Levy answered looking annoyed. "Gihi, sure it is" was all she heard as Gajeel started to gather the ingredients, and some pans. Right now he seemed to be making a batter of some sort. "What are you making?" Levy asked. "Pancakes. Can you make me some iron?" Gajeel answered. "Yeah. Solid Script Iron!" Levy said as the word "iron" crashed down on the counter. "Thanks, shrimp" Gajeel said, causing Levy to stomp off in annoyance. Taking the iron word, Gajeel broke it into tiny pieces and sprinkled them into one of the pans, eating the rest. "Pancakes are done" Gajeel said sliding a plate to Levy. It was plain, while the iron scaled man had iron bits in his. "Thank you" Levy said, taking a bite of the surprisingly delicious pancake. "This even tasted better than I thought it would!" Levy smiled after finishing her bite. "The hell is that suppose to mean!" Gajeel said as he swallowed. "Nothing, nothing at all" Levy said, avoiding eye contact. "Did you like the book I read last night?" Levy asked. "Yeah, I guess" Gajeel said. "You guess!" Levy exclaimed. "Not a bookworm. Your lucky I said I guess" Gajeel stated. "Well, at least I know why you seem so weird" Levy joked. "I'm weird? What about you? Gihi" the iron scaled man said while placing his plate in the sink. He heard a soft giggling from the blue haired women, and it was one of the most beautiful sounds he ever heard.


Gajeel had some work to do somewhere in the castle, so Levy did nothing but read the whole day. She finished a whole shelf in a few hours, impressing a majority of the castle. Most of the books were about runes, enchantments, or fantasy. Going to her room, Levy knocked on the mirror Lucy was in. When she got no answer, she tried calling. "Lucy, are you there?" Levy called. Then, all of a sudden Lucy appeared out of nowhere, scaring Levy into falling backwards. "I'm sorry! Are you ok?" Lucy asked as she pressed her hands against the glass. "Yeah, I'm ok. I have a question" Levy said. "What is it?" Lucy said rather excitedly. "Is there a training room? I want to practice my magic" Levy asked. "Yeah, I'll give you the directions!" Lucy said. When she was done, Levy thanked her and walked off to the training room. Once she reached the room, she made sure no one was watching. Walking over to the magic area, she began to test her solid script magic.


Levy came out of the training room about an hour later. She winced as she stepped on her left leg, which had two fairly big bruises on it. Though it may not look like it, Levy really pushed herself when she trained. And since it was winter now, she couldn't sneak off to the garden anymore. Only Lucy knew this, and she wanted to keep it that way. When she trained she felt weak and helpless, like she would never be able to hold a fight on her own. She thought about asking Gajeel or Lily, but decided to keep this a solo thing. She walked into her room fully feeling the aftermath of pushing her limits, and just plopped down on her bed. She didn't even bother changing into her night clothes. The brown eyed women fell asleep in a matter of minutes, but she started to stir in her sleep after a while. Unconsciously, she moved her hand around her bed looking for something. Finding nothing, she started to sleep walk out of her room.


Gajeel slammed his iron door shut, as he just got back to his room after a full day of work. Not that his work was hard or anything, he just needed rest. He looked at his clock, almost midnight. As he started to walk over to his closet, his ears heard someone walking towards his door. He sniffed the air, taking in whoever's scent it was. Ink and old paper. Levy, what the hell is she doing here. She doesn't even know how to get here, Gajeel thought as he was going to open the door. But before he could Levy opened to door herself and walked right in. She calmly looked around, until she saw Gajeel. The look she had was unreadable, then it hit him. Shrimps sleepwalk'n, Gajeel thought. He remembered what she said after she first sleepwalk in the castle. "Where I go depends on my dream. For example, if I have a nightmare, I'd go to the closest person I care for a lot. If it's a happy dream, I just walk around and normally end up in a random place", Gajeel thought as he remembered what she said that day. Had it really been that long since she came to the castle? By the time he came out of his thoughts, Levy had already curled up at the foot of his bed, but she was starting to stir. Shit! Shrimp can't wake up in here, she'll freak out!, Gajeel thought as he walked over to Levy. Carefully, he picked her up bridal style and walked out of his room. On the way to Levy's room he noticed that Levy calmed down in her sleep. What kind of dream was shrimp having, Gajeel thought. It wasn't a dream more of a nightmare, since she somehow found him in her sleep. If she want off looking for me in her sleep, shouldn't I be flattered?, Gajeel thought as he opened the door to Levy's room. After putting Levy in her bed he walked out, and headed to his own room. But he couldn't shake off the happy feeling he felt. Apparently I mean a lot to shrimp, he thought as he smirked to himself. He had a feeling he would sleep just fine tonight.

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