Chapter 15

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Not one bit. Gajeel couldn't sleep one single bit. At least he knew why. All night he couldn't stop thinking about a certain blue haired women. And with much thought, he knew he was in love with the shrimp. He just didn't know how though, but he didn't care. To him, he and Levy didn't really scream "perfect match". But as it turned out, that was only part of what he loved about her. She was everything he wasn't, and in every way a light in his dark life. And he didn't want it any other way. After deciding that he was ready to start his day, Gajeel got out of his bed and walked into his closet so he could get dressed. Gajeel came out of his closet and looked at himself in his mirror. After staring at it for a second, Levy's room showed up on the glass. Must already be up, he thought when he saw that her room was empty. On the way to the kitchen, Gajeel noticed that the curtains were gone completely, revealing the morning scene. When Gajeel walked into the kitchen, he noticed the solid script mage sleeping on the kitchen island. Levy was sleeping peacefully with a big fluffy blanket surrounding her. Gajeel could barely hold back his laugh. When Levy slowly sat up, Gajeel stood behind her and was quiet as he could be. When Levy was rubbing her eyes, the iron dragon let out his signature laugh, "gihi". Then, faster than he could see, Levy grabbed his arm and somehow flipped him on the ground. He laid there on the kitchen floor with wide eyes dazed, confused, and surprise. "Geese shrimp, what the hell was that for!" Gajeel said as he stood up. "I'm sorry, you just scared me!" Levy said, helping him up. "That was the point, but how the hell were you able to do that?" Gajeel asked. "That doesn't matter. Let's make breakfast!" Levy exclaimed as she hopped down from the kitchen island. "Oi, that doesn't answer my question shrimp" the iron scales man said. "I know. I try to myself train at least once or twice a month. I really push my limits, to make myself stronger incase of emergencies, and the results aren't always pleasant" Levy told Gajeel as she lifted her nightgown a little bit to reveal her two now faded bruises on her leg. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Gajeel asked, a bit mad that she didn't bother to tell him. "To me, it's a bit embarrassing for someone to know" Levy said looking down. Well, at least most of its true. I'm actually more than a bit embarrassed, Levy thought. "Are you kidding me! You just flipped me on the damn ground a minute ago!" Gajeel exclaimed. "After breakfast, I'll start training you from now on. Now, let's have some iron" Gajeel said sitting down on a stool. "Fine, but don't tell anyone about it, ok?" Levy told the iron scaled man as she pulled a piece of iron from a cupboard. "Yeah, yeah shrimp" Gajeel said as he ate the iron Levy made for him. After they both had a good breakfast, Levy and Gajeel walked to their rooms so that they could get ready for their training session. Even though they both wouldn't say it, the two were actually excited to spend time with each other. Sure, most likely it would be painful, but whatever time they spent have with each other would appreciated. Ten minutes later, Gajeel opened the door to the training room to find Levy had just gotten done with her stretches. She wasn't in her usual clothes, instead she was in workout clothes. "Alright shrimp, what's the best you can do?" Gajeel asked with a smirk on his face. Before he knew it, he was on the ground, feeling like he fell from ten feet. "Are you ok?" Levy asked looking down at him with a worried face. "Yeah, gihi" Gajeel said as he looked Levy's face. Realizing that she was distracted, Gajeel grabbed her arm and flipped her on the floor. This was going to be a painful day.


Gajeel and Levy walked out of the training room hours later, feeling like they went through a war. Gajeel wasn't experiencing as much pain since he trains with Lily, but Levy on the other hand felt like she survived a natural disaster. Before taking the turn to Levy's room, she went up on her toes and hugged Gajeel with a bright smile on her face. "Thank you for helping me, I'll meet you there next week!" Levy exclaimed before jogging down the hallway to her room. Gajeel just stood there, dumbfounded in the hall. The only thing he could process in his mind right now was the two words, next week. I gotta go through this all over again, next week. Shit I'm in trouble, Gajeel thought was he continued his way to his room. Meanwhile, Lucy was waiting for Levy, when she burst through the doors with a smile on her face. "What are you so happy about?" Lucy asked. "No reason, just another workout" Levy answered while walking into her closet to put on a casual dress. "Since you were waiting for me, I gather there's something you want?" Levy guessed as she walked out of the closet straightening her head band. "Actually, I need you to mean someone" Lucy said. "Who?" Levy asked. "Mira" Lucy replied. "Mira, isn't she the friend that you were scared to help at first?" Levy asked. "Don't tell her about that, ok? Wendy already agreed, so," Lucy said. "Alright, alright. I won't tell her, but it Mira scary or nice?" Levy asked, a bit worried. "What kind of question is that! Listen, just follow the directions" Lucy told Levy.


"MY GOD, YOUR LEVY! YOUR SO PRETTY, AND SWEET!" Mira yelled, after Levy introduced herself. She followed Lucy's directions that led the solid script mage into a room with some furniture and a huge window that covered the wall. Beside Mira was Erza, a smile on her face. I wonder what Erza's happy about, Levy thought. "Um, thank you" Levy said. She's so nice, and sweet. So why was Lucy scared to help her, Levy thought as she stood before the white haired woman. "So, now that I have fangirled over personal matters," Mira started, earning a confused look from Levy. "I'm going to ask you some questions. Got that Levy?" Mira said sweetly. Levy hesitantly nodded, ready to answer.

"Favorite color?"


"What hobbies do you have?"

"I'm the biggest bookworm in the whole world"

"Ok, how old are you?"


"Perfect. Now, what do you look for in a spouse?"

"Ummm, I umm, don't know". It was a lie, she knew exactly what, who really, she looked for in a husband.

"Hmmmm, ok! What kind formal wear do you like?"

"Ummmmmm, ballgowns, but not too big. Why are these questions necessary?!"

"Got it. Ok, that's all the time I have today. It was nice to meet you! See you soon!" Mira waved as she gestured Levy out of the room. Nodding her head, Levy left the room and decided to go the library. "So, what do you think? You must have seen something in her eyes" Erza asked, wondering if anything came across that Mira could have saw. One look in your eyes and Mira could see into your soul and life story. It was one of her talents. "Well, I know why Levy 'doesn't know' the answer to my spouse question. And she's the complete opposite of Gajeel. She's perfect! I'll get planning right away" Mira exclaimed.

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