Chapter 6

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"Gajeel!" Lily yelled as loud as he could, while the large man fell out of bed. "The hell Lily!" Gajeel practically screamed at the cat. Sitting up, Gajeel looked at the cat with glaring eyes. "Do you know where Levy is?" the black cat asked with worry in his voice. "Shrimps probably in her room" Gajeel grumbled as he fell forward on his bed. "No, she's not! Get dressed and look for her!" Pantherlily yelled at his friend. But all he got from the scaled man was a low growl. "Now! Or I tell everyone that the Mighty Gajeel cuddles with his pillow" Lily threatened Gajeel, who got right up and walked over to his closet. "Shut up and go look for shrimp" Gajeel told Lily from inside the room as he got dressed. "Cute nickname" Lily said before closing the iron door. Damnit it. He'll never forget this, and I'll never live this down, he thought as he ran to Levy's room so he could get her scent. And as luck would have it, he caught her scent. As he followed the scent of ink and paper, he noticed that it was only three hours old. Why would she be away from her room for so long at night? Stopping at the open doors to the observatory, Gajeel saw, in the middle of the early sunrise lot room, Levy sleeping on the floor. The hell is she doing in this room? Unless-, Gajeel's thoughts were cut off when Levy started to stir. Opening her eyes, the first thing that Levy saw was Gajeel standing at the door. Sitting up, she noticed the color of the sky. It's sunrise? Did I fall asleep?, Levy asked herself in her mind. "Oi, how'd you get here?" Gajeel asked from the door. "Oh no, I did it again" Levy mumbled to herself as she rubbed her eyes. "Did what again?" Gajeel asked as he walked over to the short women. "Sleepwalk" Levy said sleepily, while she stood up. As she walked out of the room, Gajeel caught up to the blue haired women."Why didn't you tell me you sleepwalk shrimp?" Gajeel asked the blue haired women. "I'm so sorry for not telling you my life story" Levy answered sarcastically, starting to feel more awake by the minute. "Is there anything else I'll need to know then?" Gajeel asked with only a hint of worry in his voice. "Where I go depends on my dream. For example, if I have a nightmare, I'd go to the closest person I care for a lot. If it's a happy dream, I just walk around and normally end up in a random place" Levy told Gajeel, now fully awake. As she reached the kitchen door, she opened it and walked in. "Solid Script Iron!" Levy said as the word "iron" fell onto the counter. Then Levy walked around the kitchen so she could make her own breakfast for the early morning. As she ate her breakfast, Gajeel joined her, eating his iron. As he did, Levy just stared at him, looking like a psycho. "The irons not bad shrimp" Gajeel said as he wolfed down his food. "Yeah sure, how can eat iron?" Levy asked with wide eyes as she took another bite of her breakfast. "I'm an Iron Dragon Slayer. I eat iron because it's my element. Don't know what else to say about it" the iron scaled man told Levy, as he finished his meal. Also finishing her meal, Levy stood up and went to wash her dishes and put them away. "Where the hell are you going?" Gajeel asked as Levy started to walk out of the dining room. "To explore the castle. If I'm going to stay here, I should know the layout of the castle so I don't get lost" Levy simply answered walking away to get away from Gajeel, who just joined alongside her in the hall. As the two were walking in the hallway, the silence soon grew from uncomfortable to unbearable. Sure, she hated the very man walking next to her. But the silence was becoming too much for her. "So, what hobbies do you have?" Levy asked Gajeel, who immediately smirked. This made Levy very scared, and regret her actions. "Fighting and singing. Well, signings more of a talent" Gajeel said with a smirk. I doubt that, Levy said inside her head. "I like to read a lot" Levy said as she smiled. "Back home, I'd finish a new book everyday" Levy said while she frowned a little bit. Then an idea struck him like lightning. It might work, Gajeel thought as he slung Levy over his shoulder like a bag of grain. "Hey, put me down!" Levy shouted at the large man, while she tried to free herself from his hold. He didn't budge one bit. Not a single bit. "Calm the hell down. I'm taking you to a surprise women" Gajeel grumbled as he walked down a new hall. "Then why am I slung over your shoulder like a bag of potatoes?" Levy asked angrily crossing her arms across her chest. "I can't let you see it" the iron dragon said making a turn. For the next few minutes, Levy had nothing to do. "Here shrimp" Gajeel said setting Levy carefully down on the ground. "Stop calling me shrimp" Levy said glaring up at Gajeel. "Hell no. Now close your eyes, shrimp" Gajeel told Levy. Closing her eyes, Gajeel made sure she couldn't see by transforming his hand into a iron club, putting it right in front of her face. When she showed no reaction, he opened the door and guided her into the rather dark room. "Hang on, it's too dark, even for me" Gajeel told the short women as he tore down the curtains. Once it was bright enough, Levy opened her eyes. What she saw made her gasp. It was a huge library. It even had a second floor, and fireplace. Levy stared with her jaw dropped at all the books. "Whatcha think" Gajeel said. "I don't know what to say" Levy whispered completely starstruck. "Thanks would be-" Gajeel started, but was cut off by Levy as she hugged him with the biggest smile he ever saw. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Levy shouted fast. As she broke the hug and ran to the bookshelfs, Wendy burst through the doors. "What happened! I heard yelling!" the little doll exclaimed, rather worried. "Ummm," Gajeel started to say, but just ended up pointing to Levy, who was looking at books. "Oh. Lucy did say Levy loved books" Wendy said as she passed Gajeel. "Oh hi Wendy!" Levy said crouching down to look at the doll. "So I can see Gajeel showed you the library. So, what book are you going to read?" Wendy asked. "I can't decide. Hey! How about you choose a story, and I read it to you!" Levy said as she held her hand to the ground. "Ok!" Wendy exclaimed as she jumped into Levys hand so she could choose a book. "Well, see you shrimp. I'm going to fight Lily" Gajeel said as he walked out of the library. "Ok. Thanks again" Levy called as the Iron Dragon Slayer walked out of the library. "Whatever" Gajeel grumbled. Before he walked out of the brightly lit library, he glanced behind him to see Levy lift Wendy to the spine of the books, then turned his head back in front of him. And off he went to find his black exeed.

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