Chapter 10

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Gajeel woke up, feeling colder than usual. Lifting up his head, he could see it lightly snowing through the glass doors that lead his balcony. All he could see was frost on the glass, meaning that it got colder, but he still couldn't see the outside world. So he got up and walked over to the door, opening it and stepping outside. When he looked outside, he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. The world was covered in snow. He couldn't believe that he slept through the night when there was possibly a massive snow storm outside. What he he heard giggling, Gajeel looked down and saw was Levy playing in about five inches of cold, fluffy, white snow. She was wrapped up in warmer layers that made her stand out against the pure white snow. Beside her was Lily, who appeared to be helping her build a snowman. He wasn't wearing as many layers as Levy do to his fur, but enough so he couldn't get cold. It looked like the black exeed had just finished building the head. After flying up and placing the head on the snowman, it rolled off and fell on Levy. Lily didn't seem to notice and just flew inside while Levy shot up from the cold shock. With Levy being distracted, the iron dragon slayer decided to have some fun. After going back to his room and getting dressed in winter clothes, Gajeel quietly opened the glass door and slowly closed it, careful not to get the script mages attention. Hiding behind the balcony walls, Gajeel started making a pile of snowballs. After finishing his pile, Gajeel lifted his head above the balcony wall to make sure he wasn't discovered by Levy, who was now looking for two sticks for the snowman. Grabbing a snowball, Gajeel aimed it right at Levy, successfully hitting his target. "Ahhhh!" Levy screamed from a distance. "Gihi" Gajeel laughed quietly, unaware of the words "snow pile" above his head. "Ahhhh!" Gajeel yelled in surprise as he was buried in snow. "If you want to fight me, come down here and do it you coward!" Levy yelled from below. "Fine! Whatever the lady wants!" Gajeel shouted before jumping off his balcony. As soon as he landed, without a scratch on him, he was hit right in the face with a snowball. Letting out a growl, the iron dragon scooped up some snow making a snowball and threw it as hard as he could at the blue haired women. Putting up her arm as a shield, the snowball hit Levy's forearm before falling to the ground. It wasn't long before the once fun and innocent fight escalated into a full blown war. Even the half made snowman was brutally "murdered" in the middle. When Lily opened the door to the outside, a bright smile on his face, he was holding a hat and a few rocks. He stopped immediately when a snowball flew past his head. It nearly took him out. The black exeed stepped backwards back into the house, deciding to wait out the heated battle. ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆

Levy and Gajeel were just walking in the winter wonderland. They were both covered from head to toe in snow, some even clinging to their hair. "So you've never made a snow cream!" Levy said with surprised and a dash of pity. "Don't even know what the hell that is shrimp" Gajeel answered. "Come on. We're making snow creams!" Levy said excitedly as she grabbed Gajeel's wrist and pulled him back to the castle. Once inside the castle, Gajeel and Levy changed into dry clothes and headed into the kitchen. When the iron scaled man stepped inside, Levy had already gathered three ingredients on the kitchen island. Milk, sugar and vanilla extract. Next to them were two tall glasses full of white snow. "Ready?" Levy asked with a smile on her face. "Sure shrimp" Gajeel said walking towards the island. After filling your cup with snow, you pour some milk" Levy said as she filled her cup a little more than halfway full of milk. Gajeel did the same. "Then, you put a few spoonfuls vanilla extract in" Levy said grabbing a spoon and put four spoonfuls of vanilla in her cup. Gajeel only put in two since he wasn't much of a vanilla fan. "Lastly, we put in the sugar and mix it all up" Levy said as she poured a bit of sugar and stirred her cup. Gajeel did the same, tasting the snow cream once he was done. It. Tasted. Amazing! "How does it taste?" Levy asked after finishing a bite from her own cup. "It tastes great! How the hell do you know how to make this!" Gajeel asked Levy before ditching his spoon and drinking it from the cup. "My father showed me" Levy said while her smile into a frown. "Come on shrimp" Gajeel said once he and Levy finished his snow cream. Levy gave out a yelp as the man slung the small women over his shoulder. "Hey, I can walk you know! Where are going anyways?" Gajeel heard Levy say. "The damn library" Gajeel told her. "Really, why?" Levy asked. She got no answer as the iron dragon carried the brown eyed women over his shoulder. Levy sighed annoyingly, folding her arms across her chest. It didn't take long to reach the library doors. After safely setting Levy on a couch, Gajeel sat down next to her. After sitting for a few short seconds, Levy got and walked over to the bookshelfs. A couple minutes later, Levy came back with a dark blue book. "Do you want me to read it to you?" Levy asked while sitting down on the couch. "Sure shrimp" Gajeel answered a bit gruffly. "Miracle on 34th Street, chapter one," Levy said as she started to read her book.


"You go get the lacrima!" Wendy yell whispered to Carla, Natsu, Happy, and Gray. They were outside the libraries open doors, arguing over who has to go and get the lacrima so they could take a pictures of the scene in front of them all. "Are you kidding, I'm staying here" Natsu whispered. "Geese Natsu, just run and get the lacrima" Gray argued quietly. "And what about you ice princess!" Nasty yelled knocking foreheads with the black clock. "Shhhhh" Carla, Happy, and Wendy said in unison while pointing to the library. Inside Gajeel had his arm draped over Levy's shoulders, both fast asleep. Wendy and Carla walked in the library and thought the little scene was cute, so they went to show their friends what they found. But only ended up with Happy, Gray, and Natsu. "You know what, forget the picture! I'm going to bed" Gray quietly said as he walk away. "Come child, you should call it a night too, it's pretty late" Carla whispered to Wendy, who nodded and walked off down the hallway. Seeing that no one else would join them, Happy picked up Natsu and flew them both to their rooms. Inside the library, Gajeel and Levy were still fast asleep, snuggled at each other's side. Levy was at Gajeel's side and had her head on his slowly rising chest, while Gajeel had one arm on the couch arm, and the other wrapped around her. Levy however, was starting to stir in her sleep. Sensing that something was wrong, instinctively the sleeping dragon tightened his hold on Levy, calming her down. The rest of that night was peaceful, as snowflakes fell from the night winter sky.

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