Chapter 8

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"Did you like that story Wendy?" Levy asked once she finished the book that Wendy chose. After Gajeel left to go fight Lily, which she thought was strange because the exeed had done nothing wrong, Wendy found a great book. "Cinderella is now my favorite book!" Wendy said with an adorable smile. Levy was happy she loved books, especially Cinderella. "You know what, I think Cinderella was my first book at age six!" Levy told Wendy, remembering reading the book as a child. "Age six!" Wendy exclaimed with surprised. "I'm a bit too smart for my age" Levy said, laughing nervously. A bit too smart was an understatement. Not only was she most beautiful girl in Magnolia, but the smartest resident by a long shot. "I'd rather be too smart than not smart enough" Wendy told Levy, and she had a point. "Well said. So, another book?" Levy said while putting away the book that the little wooden doll choose. Seeing a book that caught her interest she reached out to pull it from the bookshelf. "Actually, I was wondering if we could go eat lunch" Wendy suggested, standing up. Levy lowered her hand, walking towards the table Wendy was on. "Lunch?" Levy asked looking out the window. How long has she been reading. The sun was higher, but she'd have check the time. Or find Gray. Either one would work really, she just wanted to know what time it was. "Levy?" Wendy said bring Levy out of her thoughts. "Oh umm, yeah. Let's go make lunch" Levy said placing her hand at the doll's feet. Once Wendy was safely on, Levy started to walk all the way back to the kitchen with Wendy helping her with directions, some she didn't really pay attention on the way to the library. Well, it's hard to know the way here when you're thrown over someone's shoulder like a bag of potatoes, Levy thought in her head. After reaching the kitchen, Levy opened the door only to have a frying pan fly past her head. Ducking her head while protecting Wendy with her other hand. Do they have to fight again!, Wendy thought as she looked past Levy's huge hand. The kitchen was a mess, with all of the kitchen appliances everywhere, even a few eggs on the walls. And in the middle of it all, was Gray and Natsu, battling each other with the silverware. Already knowing what to do, Wendy brought her hands around her mouth. "Erza's coming!" Wendy yelled putting as much fear as she could onto her voice. If there was one thing scarier than Gajeel, it was Erza. Back when everyone in the castle was human, Erza was the captain of the royal guard. She could destroy two mountains with one kick, being a powerful mage. Being beautiful, she was also scary as hell. Especially when she caught Gray and Natsu fighting. Even now as a sword, Erza was, no is, still the second most scary being in this castle. Sometimes it seems everyone is scared of Erza. Not that it surprised Wendy. By the time Wendy came out from her thoughts, the kitchen was completely cleaned up. "Erza isn't coming! She doesn't even know we were flight!" Natsu yelled at Wendy. "You two were fighting again!" a woman's voice yelled from behind Levy and Wendy, scaring everyone out of their wits. It was none other than the mighty Erza. "No!That's ridiculous! We're best friend's!" Gray and Natsu shouted while putting their arms around each other like their lives depended on it. In a strange way, it kinda did. "Great, I'm glad to hear that. Now who want to eat cake with me!" Erza said with her eyes sparkling as if they would never sparkle again. Another thing, Erza loved cake. It was practically a holy being to her. She would probably battle a whole army if it meant she could have one slice. No one knew why, but it meant that she could be bribed. It came in handy every once in awhile.


"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel shouted as his hand and forearm turned into an iron club, and extended it in Lily's direction. Lily, who was now in his battle form, blocked his friends attack with his sword. They had been fighting, or training as Lily put it, for Mavis knows how long. In the first hour Lily teased Gajeel about a certain blue haired solid script mage. Now that really started a fight. Gajeel could fight when he was ticked off, but this was nothing like how he fought before. "You must really like her if you're fighting with this kind of spirit you know!" Lily told the iron dragon with a smug smile. "Shut the hell up cat!" Gajeel yelled back at Lily. That bastard is getting on my nerves on purpose!, Gajeel thought while turning his club into a simple medium sized sword. With one swift move, Lily and Gajeel were now in a sword fight. Thundering clashes were heard from when the two swords met each other. Come on Gajeel, I know you have a metal head but-, Lily's thoughts were cut off as Gajeel swing his sword. As Lily fended off his opponent, he began to think of ways to tease Gajeel some more. As Lily jumped into the air, no idea's came what do ever. "Iron Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Iron God Sword!" Gajeel screamed as his his small sword turned into a giant sword sword. The magical energy that Lily sensed from it was unbelievable. When Gajeel's sword met Lily's, it shattered his sword into millions of pieces, ending the long fight. "Judging by your choice of weapon, I must have really pissed you off" Lily told Gajeel with a smirk, throwing his now useless sword handle behind him. Running out of magical energy, Pantherlily turned back into his small exeed form. "Oi, why the hell were you teasing me!" The iron dragon shouted at Lily who changed back into his cute cat form. "Admit that you like Levy" Lily replied back to his friend. "The hell are you talking about Lily! I don't like shrimp!" Gajeel shouted, getting more angry. Where would he get an idea like that?, Gajeel thought. "Gajeel, I know when you're lying, or in denial" Lily said , his smirk still on his face, as he activated his wings and flew away. Gajeel stood there, growling for a couple minutes. Since he was low on magical energy as well, he decided to eat the iron sword shards on the ground. When he decided to get out of the training room, he decided to go get some real iron from the kitchen. As he walked down the halls to the kitchen he wondered how Lily could even think he had feelings for Levy. It just didn't make sense, the black exeed had teased him a lot in the past no doubt about it. But he had no idea how to respond to this. As he came to the doors of the castle's kitchen, he smelled something egges, sugar and strawberries. Opening the door Gajeel found Gray, Erza, Natsu, Wendy, and Levy each eating a piece of strawberry cake. How his friends, if you could even call them that, could still eat food, he had know idea. "Hey Gajeel" Wendy said when she noticed the iron dragon at the doors. "Do you want a piece?" Wendy asked as she pushed a plate with a slice of cake towards him. All the grown ups were looking at him with a look that said, "if you don't, you'll regret that decision". "Fine, give me the plate" Gajeel grumbled while grabbing a fork from a drawer. Gajeel was by no means a lover of sweets, he just didn't like them and tried avoided them when possible. "Do you like it?" Levy asked before taking another bite of her slice, giving him that look a wife gives her husband when she wants him to choose the smart decision. Sadly, he couldn't read that look. "Not a cake fan" Gajeel said after finishing his bite. Every adult in that room dead panned him. "You don't like it?" Wendy said in a sad voice. It was only then did the iron scaled man realise his mistake. "I never said that" Gajeel said trying to calm down Wendy. "You never said you liked it either!" Wendy yelled before leaving the room. "Great job, you have to apologize!" Levy told Gajeel as she pulled him by the ear with her out of the room. An action that caused the castle servants to look at her wide eyed. This is great, I try a piece cake and now I'm being dragged around to apologize to a doll. What a day!, Gajeel thought as he listened carefully for the little wooden doll. He just hoped that Wendy would forgive him easily.

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