Chapter 1

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Stepping into my old house I glared at the boy standing in the living room of my new home for the next few months. Bella didn't notice me for she was too busy kissing him. I coughed and she jumped.
   "Dani! I didn't see you there!"
   "Clearly. So is this him?" Bella nodded and the guy extended his hand. I crossed my arms over my chest. I had no desire to shake his hand at all.
   "I'm Edward Cullen. It's nice to meet you Dani". He introduced himself.
   "So your my sisters boyfriend?" I questioned him. He glanced down at Bella and smiled.
   "Yes I am. I truly love your sister". He stated. I rolled my eyes.
   "Edward was going to give us a ride to school if that's okay with you..." Bella stated putting her hands in her pocket. I sighed and opened the door.
  "Whatever". Bella smiled and all three of us walked out and into Edwards car. His family must have been super rich because his car was so fancy.
   "My father is the towns major Doctor". Edward replied as the pulled into the school parking lot. I glanced up at him. How did he know what I was thinking? I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car as two more guys walked up to us. Edward smiled at them.
   "Whose the badass chick?" The larger built brown haired guy asked smiling at me. Bella smiled.
   "Emmett". Bella said pointing to the guy that just asked who I was. "This is my sister Dani. Dani this is Edwards's adopted brothers Emmett and Jasper". Bella introduced us. I smiled at both of them
   "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am". Jasper said.
   "Southern accent? Very nice. I'm sure you have all the girls falling for you". I stated as a short petite girl walked over to us and kissed Jasper on the cheek.
   "I'm Alice". The girl introduced herself. Dani smiled. "I'm Jasper's girlfriend".
   "Ah I see". I said.
    "So did your sister invite you to our graduation party?" Alice questioned me. Bella glared at Alice. Edward put his arm around Bella.
   "Alice she barely knows you!" Bella stated. Alice rolled her eyes and frowned.
   "But she's family Bella and besides". Alice said as we walked towards the high school. "It'll be fun!"
   "That's what you said about the last one". Emmett joked looking down at me. He flashed me a smile and turned away. I was not looking for a boyfriend at this time and though I had to admit that Emmett was very attractive I wasn't looking for a relationship. I didn't need no man now or ever.

My computer deleted what was supposed to be the first chapter so I had to start over. Anyway this is my new story about Emmett. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy!

Key to my Heart (Emmett x Dani #1)Where stories live. Discover now