Chapter 9

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Going back to the Cullen's house after finding out that they were vampires was a bit strange, but Emmett promised me that everything would be okay and I believed that he was telling me the truth. As we entered the house Alice greeted me with her usual hugs and telling me that my hair smelled good. Which weirded me out more now that she was a vampire, but I still loved Alice like a sister. She was far more fashionable then Bella and she just got me more then my own Sister.
   "Does it feel now knowing our secret?" Alice asked me. I shrugged.
    "It's a lot to handle. I mean your vampires and my sister is in love with one and wants to become one. For one person it's a handful I'll give ya that". I replied.
    "And we're very sorry for that Dani". Carlisle apologized to me. I sighed.
    "No need to apologize. I'll just have to get used to it I guess". I said back. Alice smiled and reached for my hand, but Emmett was too fast for her and pulled me into his manly arms. Alice glared at her brother and put her hands on her hips.
    "You can't keep Dani all to yourself you know Emmett!" She stated. I sighed.
    "Oh yes I can. She's my girlfriend and I promised her that I'd spend the evening with her". He replied back at her. Alice rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh.
    "Fine". Alice stated. "But I'm having a slumber party with her and Bella tomorrow night and your not invited". She replied as she walked out of the room. Emmett grinned. Then I followed him out into the balcony.
    "I'm so crashing that party". I rolled my eyes at him.
He smiled. "So I can see you in a pair of cute pjs Dani". He replied then winked at me. I nudged him.
   "Whatever". I replied. "When you and Alice were arguing inside just now you told her that I was your girlfriend. Is that what I am to you now?" I questioned him. I didn't want him to think that I was unhappy with that, but he didn't really ask me if I wanted to be his girlfriend or that we were even that close enough to be dating.
    "Course your my girlfriend, why did you want to be my wife instead?" I rolled my eyes at him and looked up at the dark blue sky.
   "Why? does that bother you?" I shook my head.
    "No I was just wondering...we really didn't say that we were dating or that we were going to start going out". I replied. Emmett chuckled and kissed my cheek.
   "I thought that when I told you that I was a vampire that, that had made it official Dani". He explained to me. I smiled at the sky.
    "Yeah I guess it kind of did, but still..."
    "Fine then lets make it official". Emmett said grabbing a rose from behind him. He held it out to me and smiled.
    "Dani Swan will you go out with me?" Emmett asked me. I slowly nodded my head and took the rose. Emmett winked at me and brought his face closer to mine.
   "See now its official". He grinned. I smiled back at him.
   "Thanks Emmett". I thanked him. "Your not such a bad guy after all". He pulled me into his arms and I slightly blushed.
   "Does that I mean I can kiss you now?" He smirked. I nodded my head and without hesitation Emmett brushed his lips onto mine and right there and then I knew that I had found something great that I was going to hold onto for as long as I could.

I know it's starting out slow, but things will start to pick up soon I promise. However I do go back to college next Monday so sorry in advanced if I don't update for a few weeks.

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