Chapter 13

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   "You cold?" Emmett asked me as I grabbed hold of his right arm. I nodded and he draped a large red blanket over me. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. The he wrapped his arm around me.
   "Better?" He asked.
   "Much better. Thank you. Man it looks horrible out. I don't know Bella can stand it up on that mountain".
    "Well Jacobs up there with her". I raised an eyebrow at his comment. Edward must have been pretty pissed if Jacob was up there cuddling Bella even if it was just to keep her arm.
   "I'm guessing Edward is pretty ticked".
   "Oh yeah. He and Jacob hate each other". Emmett reminded me. It seemed pretty lame that Jacob kept trying to get Bella to choose him over Edward. It's like she's your best get too shouldn't you respect her choice and just be happy cause she's happy, but then again vampires and werewolves were mortal enemies, but either way Jake was kinda being a dick about the whole thing.
   "So I've gathered, but hey at least now Jacob can finally try to get over my sister now that she's getting married".
   "I doubt it. That mutt will try even harder to get Bella away from Edward once he finds out". Emmett stated as I eyed him.
   "He doesn't know yet?" Emmett shook his head.
   "Bella I guess wants to wait to tell him when the time is right".
   "Well she better tell him sooner then later".
   "Agreed. That mutts got a bad temper". Emmett said making me roll my eyes and nudge his chest.
   "So do you".
   "I do not".
    "Do too". Emmett smirked then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto him. He ran his large fingers through my thick hair and kissed a piece of it.
    "You smell so good".
     "That's what a stalker says Emmett". He smiled.
    "If you do have a stalker I'll find him and rip his head off. Only I can have you". He replied. I raised an eyebrow at his statement.
   "Obsessed much". I laughed.
   "What kind I say but I love you Dani".
I smiled at him.
    "And I love you Emmett even if your so full of yourself". He grinned at me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carved his hands up my back. Then he brought his lips down to my neck. However as he moved them towards my shoulders I pulled away.
   "Dani I went too far. I'm sorry". Emmett instantly apologized. I shook my head.
   "So am I. I shouldn't have kept going".
   "I wanted too, but I get it your not ready for anything like this and besides I couldn't risk hurting you if we went any further". I nodded my head.
    "I should go before Charlie gets upset". I said. Emmett nodded his head and I packed up all my things and then we drove to my house. Emmett dropped me off at the door and without uttering another word we both separated. Closing the door behind me I sighed. I hoped that things between us would be better tomorrow.
   "Hey kiddo. It's been a while". Charlie greeted me. I cooled at him and pulled him into a hug.
   "Missed ya dad". He smiled.
    "Missed you too". I pulled away and and started up the stairs.
    "I'll see ya in the morning". He said.
    "Goodnight Dad".
That night I had a nightmare.
I woke up in a field with patches of red all around me. I stood up and saw that my white dress had been stained with blood and both my arms were covered in blood.
   "DANI!" I looked up to see Emmett in the distance with his hands tied behind his back. I began to step forwards just as a black figure grabbed Emmett and slashed a knife across his throat.
   "EMMETT!" I screamed out as blood dropped down from the slash mark on his neck. The figure then took the knife and stabbed Emmett in the chest. Within a few minutes Emmett fell forward and screamed out again and raced forward. As I neared him I gasped and looked down at my hand to see that I was holding the murder weapon in my own hand.

One or two chapters left and then it's finished and there will be a book 2 for them, but I'm not sure when it'll be up. I'll keep up updated on that.

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