Chapter 10

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   "Rise and shine sleepy head". I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Charlie smiled down at me.
   "How -"
    "Emmett brought you back here after you fell asleep at his place". He replied. I nodded my head and stood up.
   "He did?"
   "Yup. Maybe that Cullen kid isn't so bad". Charlie mumbled exiting my room. I smiled and put on a fresh pair of clothes. "I agree with you on that one dad". I whispered to myself.
    As the day went on my nerves and anxiety started to kick in. Tonight was Alice's sleepover with me and Bella and then tomorrow was the battle with the newborn army and I hadn't been told much. All I was clued in on was who was leading the army and where I had be during it. Carlisle and Emmett thought it be best if the newborns didn't know that I was around. That way if anything happened then I wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. At first I was pretty ticked off that I was being left out, but the more I thought about it made more sense to keep me safe rather then put both me and my sister in danger.
When the sky began to darken Emmett arrived at my house to pick me up. I opened the door and put my arms around him.
    "If you hug me like this every time I come to see you I might just come over more often". Emmett replied as I pulled away.
   "lol whatever". I laughed.
   "You ready to go?" I sighed and nodded my head. Emmett reached for my backpack.
   "Hey I can carry that myself mister!" I stated firm following him to his jeep. He grinned and put in the back seat. Then I opened the door for me.
   "I know you can, but I'm just trying to be the helpful boyfriend here". I rolled my eyes and got into the jeep.

Pulling up to the house I sighed. Emmett noticed my hesitation and put his hand on my knee.
   "You okay Dani?"
   "Promise me that you'll be careful during the battle with the newborns". I begged him. Emmett smiled.
   "I promise you Dani. You won't lose me anytime soon". He promised me. I nodded.
   "Thank you". I replied as we both got out of the car and I reached for my bag in the back of his jeep. Alice and Bella both greeted us at the door. Emmett ran his fingers through my hair and then kissed me. I kissed him as Alice reached for my bag.
   "Have fun with those two". Emmett said. I smiled back at him.
   "I'll try to". I said as Emmett got into his car and drove away. 

I hope to have a few more chapters up for both stories before Monday.

Key to my Heart (Emmett x Dani #1)Where stories live. Discover now