Chapter 6

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Alice had wanted me to come over early that evening to help with finishing touches and I was a bit nervous about it. Mostly because Emmett was going to be there and after what had almost happened at graduation I wasn't ready to face him again. Especially now since I was all dressed up in my red dress and hair was curled to perfection. Sighing as I reached the Cullen's door before I could even knock Alice had already opened the door for me. She led me inside the house and to the main area of the where the party was going to happen to an hour or so.
   "So what do you think?" She asked me smiling. Everything looked so well put together and went very well with the room.
  "It looks great Alice" I replied.
  "Damn Dani". I turned around at the sound of his voice and sighed. Emmett Cullen was winking at me in the doorway. I tried to hide my smile as he didn't look half bad himself.
   "Umm thanks Emmett". I said thanking him. Which seemed rather odd for me to do that.
  "So you have a date for the party?" He asked me. I shook my head.
   "Well then". He grinned. "You do now" . He smiled and put his arm around me. I sighed and pulled his arm off me then walked outside to their balcony.
  "Emmett I just needed some fresh air". I said as he stood next to me.
  "Do you not like me?" I looked up at him.
  "Emmett..." he threw his arms up in the air.
  "You do hate me. I knew it!"
   "Emmett please". I begged him. He started to walk away but I reached out and grabbed onto his upper arm.
   "Please". I begged. "Don't go". He smiled at me and moved closer to my body.
  "Say it again and I won't go". I sighed.
   "Please don't go". I said again and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed. I really did like Emmett, but I didn't want to get hurt again. I couldn't go through with that again and still have to see him around town.
  "I won't hurt you like them I promise". He replied. As much as I wanted to tell him that he would something inside me knew that he wasn't like the others and that he would protect me some how. I pulled away from his body.
   "We should probably get back inside the party's going to start soon". I replied. He smiled and linked my hand with his. Then he brought us back inside.

   "So when did you start warming up to the Cullen's?" My sister asked me as I grabbed a glass of punch.
   "When Alice invited me over to help with the party". I answered her.
  "And when did you start falling for Emmett Cullen?" I rolled my eyes at her.
   "I'm not falling for him". I replied. "Were just hanging out". Bella rolled her eyes at me and pointed over at Emmett.
   "Try telling him that". She said as he winked at me. I sighed. After that little thing that happened on the Cullen's balcony with Emmett there was something that just felt off about the way he talked to me. I already was freaked out by how cold he was and how his eyes seemed to change color about every few weeks. And he said that they weren't contacts so that made me even more freaked out. Who or what Emmett Cullen and his family were I was going to find out. Through all my thoughts about this I didn't notice that Emmett was standing right next to me.
  "Zoning out again thinking about me?" Emmett asked me. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. He was just so full of himself. Just like all the others.
   "I- I need some air..." I started to walk away from him and my sister when Jacob and his pals walked into the room. Jacob smiled at me.
   "Jacob Black, its been awhile". I grinned as he pulled me into a hug. It had been years since I had seen Jacob and I really did miss him. He was like a brother to me.
   "It sure has been Dani. You look amazing". Jake stated. I smiled.
    "Thanks. You do too. So what brings you here?" I asked him. Jake looked from me to Edward.
   "Does she know?" He asked Bella's bf. Edward shook his head and Jacob rolled his eyes.
   "Good". He stated firm looking back at me. I sighed and glanced up at Emmett. His eyes were locked on mine. Something was wrong and I knew that it was something serious. I rubbed my arm and dashed out of the room and into the kitchen. Bella followed behind me.
   "Your not telling me something and I want to know what it is".
    "I can't-"
    "Bella don't lie to me!" I shouted at her as Emmett came into my view. I shook my head. I didn't need this right now.
   "I got this Bella". Emmett gestured to my sister. She nodded her head and walked out on me. I just rolled my eyes and walked away from Emmett Cullen.
    "Would you stop running away from my Dani". Emmett called after me as we made it onto the patio. I stopped dead in my tracks and still refused to face him.
   "Why should I Emmett?"
   "Because I care about you-"
   "Cut the bull crap. You don't care about me. Your just like the other guys and all you want to do is hurt me!" I shouted into the night sky. I felt two hands on me. Those hands flipped me around and then brought me to his lips. Emmett brushed his lips against mine. Then he wrapped his arms around my back. I shook my head. Then pushed him away.
    "Why?" I screamed at him. "Why do you do that to me when I know that you know that your going to hurt me?!"
   "I won't hurt you Dani". Emmett whispered to me. "I love you". With those words something in me snapped and tears erupted from my eyes. I started to wipe the tears from eyes as Emmett pulled me into his arms.
    "I can't Emmett-"
    "I'm not human Dani". Emmett sighed and I looked up at him. "What did you just say?"
   "I'm not human".

Oh man! A lot happened in this chapter and I was thinking about splitting it into two chapters, but then it was too short so it's now one.

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