Chapter 3

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We pulled up to the Cullen house and I gasped getting out of the car. Damn. Their dad must have been one hell of a doctor if he could afford those expensive cars and this over the top house. I shook my head. Keep it together Dani. Don't let his looks or lifestyle win you over. You don't need him or his family. Your just here to help out. Not to hangout with him.
   "I know we're pretty awesome". Emmett replied making me roll my eyes at him. I stepped up to the Cullen house and was greeted at the door by a blonde haired man who smiled at me.
  "Welcome to our home Danielle I'm Carlisle". I smiled at him and Emmett led us into the living. Alice, Edward and Bella all smiled up at.
  "Glad you could make it!". Alice squealed with joy making me let out a sigh that I didn't know that I was holding in.
   "I didn't really have much of a chose". I said glaring up at Emmett. He smiled back. Alice grabbed both me and Bella and led us into their kitchen. Edward and Emmett followed us. Then Alice pulled out a pair of two different colored streamers.
  "Which one do you think? Bella says it doesn't matter and I know that your more of a fashion expert then she is!" Alice replied. I raised an eyebrow at her.
   "Umm...Id say the lavender. It goes good with the gold and blue and it will also fit in with the style of your guys home". I suggested making Alice smile. She jumped in the air with joy and pulled me in for a hug.
  "I just know you and me are going to be best friends!" Alice beamed with excitement as she let me go.
   "Yeah..." I sighed. Just what I didn't want. To get close to the Cullen's, but Alice didn't seem so bad. She was a bit too overly happy for my taste, but having another fashion lover around could prove to be interesting.
   "Okay. Now it's time for your outfits!"
   "Oh joy". Bella groaned. I laughed at her disapproval and rolled my eyes.
   "I already have an idea in mind". I chimed in making Alice smile.
   "Ooh do tell!"
   "I have this red dress from a dance at my old school that I never got to wear".
   "Say no more. It already sounds wonderful!"
Another hour of Alice dragging me and Bella around to figure out graduation party ideas had passed and I was so relieved that it was finally over. As much as I enjoyed planing parties or at least helping with them it was a tiring job and Alice seemed to keep her energy up all afternoon.
      I figured that Bella would have left after her not being much of help, but she and Edward just went up to his room to hang out. I was hoping that Emmett would have left or at least gone into a different room, but no such luck. Everywhere me and Alice went he followed which kind of creeped me out, but I just shrugged it off.
   "So I think we're all set for the party!" Alice stated staring at all the party notes and pictures that they had decided on.
   "Thank you so much for your help Dani!" Alice thanked me. I nodded my head. "Your was actually quite fun". I admitted to her.
   "Good I'm glad to hear it!" Alice said walking out of the kitchen just as Emmett moved close to me.
   "So do I get a thank you?" Emmett pondered as I walked behind the kitchen island.
Emmett rolled his eyes in a playful way. "For kidnapping and bringing you here".
   "No you don't".
   "If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be having a good time here with Alice". I rolled my eyes at him.
   "Either way Alice would have found a way to bring me here. So no you don't get a thank you". I replied.

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