Chapter 12

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Waking up the next morning I sat up in the bed in Emmetts room and found a note sitting on the table.
    "Bella left that for you". Emmett said as he walked into the room. He smiled and me and sat down next to me on the bed. He placed his hand in his.
    "I'm guessing she went out with Edward?" Emmett nodded his head.
   "All preparations for the battle began toady and that includes yours". Emmett stared. I laid back down on the bed and sighed.
   "Let me guess mine is something boring". Emmett grinned and brought his lips to mine.
   "Nope. Your preparation is you get to spend the day with me. Here". Emmett replied making me smile. Anything was better then having to spend a whole shopping with Alice.
   "Yup. The others went hunting so it's just you and me. So the only question now is what should we do today?"

Emmett decided that a walk in the forest wove a great way to to wake us both up and I was in agreement with him on that. I hadn't been sleeping all that well the last couple of nights and a change of scenery would do me some good.
    "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I questioned Emmett.
    "I thought we were going to keep toady about us Dani". Emmett replied. I sighed. Then linked his fingers with mine.
   "I know, but I want to know what's going down. After all my sister is involved. I think it's important that I know cause Bella is my sister". I explained to him. Emmett just chuckled.
   "Fine. Tonight Jacob, Edward and Bella are camping on top of the rocks near the battle and there staying up there tomorrow afternoon to protect her while you'll be at Charlie's". Emmett reminded me. I sighed.
   "I wish that I could be closer to the battle".
   "No way. I don't want you involved Dani". Emmett stated firm. I sighed.
   "Cmon Emmett my sister is already involved!"
    "That's different. She's their target. Your not".
He sighed. "So if they get a hold of your scent then they will come after you and I'll be too busy in the heat of battle to protect you. Newborn vampires are tough ass vampires. If you get distracted just for a moment they will take advantage of that and slaughter you. I couldn't live with myself if they killed you Dani". Emmett shouted at me. I sighed. Emmett was right. The Cullen's would be too busy fighting off the newborns to notice if one of them broke if and started to hunt me down. And I couldn't do that to him.
   "I get it Emmett and you won't lose me I promise. I'll stay away during the battle" I reassured him. He smiled and placed both his hands on my cheeks.
   "Thank you". He said bringing his lips to mine.
    "Your so beautiful with those striped socks did you know that?" Emmett winked at me as I laid my head in his lap. I rolled my eyes.
   "Thanks. You should get a pair yourself. However I feel like your more of a pok-a-dot kind of guy". I replied making Emmett laugh.
   "Has anyone told you that you have a cool laugh?"
   "Not really no". Emmett said. I smiled and leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Well you do Emmett".
   "Thanks I think". He chuckled
   "Your welcome". I replied. "Hey Emmett?"
    "How did you become a vampire?"
    "Why do you want to know?" He questioned me. I shrugged my head.
     "I'm just curious".
     "Well I went for a hike in the woods and a bear attacked me. If it wasn't for Rosalie then I'd probably be dead. She brought me back to Carlisle and he changed me". Emmett told me. I sighed. Thank goodness that Rosalie saved him.
    "How did you take that change?"
Emmett sighed. "At first I was confused and angry, but then over time I became thankful that I was still alive thanks to Carlisle and Rosalie". He answered me. I sighed.
    "Were you and Rose...close?"
     "If your asking if we were ever a couple then the answer is no. I haven't really thought of her like that. Your the one I love Dani and want to share the rest of my life with".
    "Rest of your life? in...marriage?"
    "Maybe one day.."
I sighed and sat up. Then leaned my body against his and smiled. "Maybe..."

Key to my Heart (Emmett x Dani #1)Where stories live. Discover now