Chapter 14

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My phone buzzed the next morning with a text from Emmett. He said that the battle was happening soon and that after the battle that night he would come by to pick me up. I smiled at his text and then let out a sigh of relief. I was so glad that that nightmare was not real. I couldn't handle it if I had caused any pain to Emmett and I was pretty sure that I couldn't handle it if he had caused me pain. I had been through so much already in the past and I wanted all that pain to stay in the past where it belonged.
      Charlie had gone to work for the whole day to work on the Rileys biers case, which I knew was just a waste of time. It was Riley who was leading the attack to hunt and kill my sister and he was long gone. He had been changed by Victoria and was pretty much not like himself anymore. I sighed and made myself some breakfast.
      As the hours went on through the day I just laid around and worked on some of my photography. Just took a few random pictures of the house and a few selfies here and there. But as I went through a few of my most recent pictures I realized that there wasn't a single one of Emmett and me. In fact there wasn't any of Emmett to begin with. I bit my lip. Then I guess I will have to change that. Setting my phone down on the table next to my bed I pulled a black top and put on some jeans then sat back down on my bed.
Then I started to feel my eyes drop as I looked at my photos again. After that horrible nightmare last night I didn't really get much sleep and since it was a few more hours until Emmett came by I figured that a nap was in order. So I put my camera back on my desk and pulled the covers back over my head and I then drifted off.

I know that it's pretty short, but I was working on my Voltron story so I'm sorry.

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