Chapter 5

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When Charlie came home from the police station that night I could tell that something was on his mind. He had touched his steak and whatever was wrong started to get me curious.
   "So what's wrong?" I asked setting another plate down on the table for myself.  Charlie let out a sigh. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of boy that looked about my age.
   "This kid, Riley Biers has been missing for a couple months now and his parents are worried sick". He replied. I put a hand on his shoulder. 
   "I bet they are. Do you think they should give up? I mean what if he's-"
   "If it were you or Bella I wouldn't give up". He replied making me sigh. He had a point. If either him or Bella went missing I would search for them no matter how long it took. I loved my family I would do anything to protect them.
   "Same here dad". I said taking a bite of my grilled steak. "Hey dad can I ask you a question?"
  "Sure kiddo".
I sighed. "What do you think of the Cullen's?" Slowly his expression turned sour and I knew that I had just gotten myself into deep waters with this subject.
   "Well Dr. Cullen is great man and an even more great doctor. He could have gone to any facility in the country and yet he came here. So I guess we're very lucky to have him here. He and his wife adopted some good kids...though some of them can be a bit irritating there still good kids". Charlie explained to me. I nodded my head.
    "And by some of them are irritating you mean Bella's BF Edward? Am I right?" I stated with a grin. Charlie groaned and finished his plate. Then sat it in the sink.
  "I like Alice a lot more then her brother". He said not really answering my question. I nodded with him in agreement. I liked Alice a lot more then Edward too.
Pulling into the school parking lot the day I realized that maybe the Cullen's including Emmett weren't so bad. I could give them a chance and Emmett as well.
   "So can I walk you to the gym?" Emmett asked me as I stepped out of my car in my graduation robe. I sighed. Just breath Dani.
   "Sure". I replied as I followed him into the gym. After everyone sat down Jessica gave this long rather motivational speech that I seemed to enjoy. I didn't know her very well since I was only at the school got a couple weeks, but she seemed like a cool chick.
   As the ceremony came to a wrap all of us threw our caps into the air and Charlie stopped over to me and Bella and hugged us both. Then he and Sue got quite a few pictures of us, but Bella tired to stop them after the tenth one at least. I laughed at both of them and decided to get some fresh air.
   "You still coming to the party at our place?" Emmett questioned me as I took off my hat.
   "Yeah. I wouldn't miss it". I replied making him grin. I blushed slightly. Dani get it together.
   "Good. Because I'd be upset if you didn't show up in that red dress which I'm sure is going to look hot on you". He smiled a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes and let a laugh escape from my lips.
   "Do you know that your full of yourself?" I asked him. He smiled.
   "I do and yet here you are not walking away from me. Are you starting to warm up to me?" I sighed.
   "Maybe...". I said walking back into the gym, but before I could Emmett grabbed onto my arm.
   "Dani I-" He inched closer to me and my body did the same. As our lips were about to lock I pulled away and left the area. Leaving Emmett alone to process what I had just said. Emmett was something else. I wasn't sure what that was and I wasn't so sure if that was good or bad.

😏 ooh la la...I decided to give you guys another chapter in one night because you guys are awesome.

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