Chapter 11

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   "So what color would you like Dani?" Alice asked me. I groaned. When Emmett had told me that the sleepover was just supposed to be a way for Alice to keep an eye on me while the others went out hunting before the big battle I wanted to slap him over the head. I wasn't a huge fan of sleepovers but he didn't seem to care.
   "Umm teal". I said. Alice smiled and opened up the bottle of teal nail polish. Then she pulled out another one.
   "Mind if I add glitter?" She asked. I shook my head. She smiled and grabbed hold of my fingers.
   "So where's my sister actually? She didn't leave me to endure this pain alone did she?" I replied. Alice rolled her eyes.
   "No offense Alice". She laughed.
   "None taken". She smiled. "She's upstairs with Edward". I raised an eyebrow at the mention of his name.
   "Wait wait, how come Edward gets to be here?" I questioned her.
   "Because he had something special to ask your sister". She answered me. I shook my head. Something seemed off about there whole special meeting.
   "Ask her what?" I pondered further.
   "I can't say.." Alice said. I rolled my eyes at her.
   "Please Alice. I can keep a secret". I reassured her. She let out s sigh.
   "Fine, but act surprised when she tells you herself got it?" I nodded my head. "Edward is going to ask your sister to marry him". I gasped and stood up. There was no way! Bella wasn't going to get engaged, was she?!? No she couldn't be. Bella was not the type to get married so young.
   "Are you serious?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Alice cupped her hands over my mouth to silence me.
    "Be quiet Dani!". She ordered me as I pushed her hands away. "And yes I'm serious".
    "Sorry sorry. But seriously my sister is getting married?"
    "She is! I can already see the wedding in my mind".
    "Haha of course you can Alice". I rolled my eyes. Of course Alice could the wedding playing out because she of course was going to plan it all out. And I knew that Bella was going to have a cow about it. When Alice set her mind to something it would be impossible to get her off that track.
    "So she said yes?" I asked just as both Edward and Bella came downstairs. Bella smiled at me and ran over to hug her. Edward chuckled.
   "I see that Alice already told you". Bella replied. I sighed.
   "Sorry Bella".
    "Yeah. I begged it out of her". I replied.
     "It's all right Dani. It's not the first time that Alice has told someone something that she couldn't". Edward chuckled. Alice rolled her eyes at her older brother.
"A congratulations is in order. I'm so happy for you. Both of you".
    "Thank you Dani. I'm a very lucky man to have your sister as my fiancé". Edward leaned down and kissed the top of my sisters head.
   "That you are". I stated. As Bella smiled I brought both my arms up and let out a loud yawn.
   "I think it's time for me to get some sleep". I replied. Both of them nodded.
   "Me too", Bella said. Edward nodded.
   "Tomorrow and the next day are busy days for both of you. Alice will show you were you can sleep Dani". Edward said as he and Bella went back upstairs. Alice smiled as she led me to Emmetts room. I opened the door to find a large bed that looked like it had just been set up. I laid my stuff down on the floor.
   "Emmett set it up last night. He wanted you to sleep in his room so that he could watch over you in case someone came in the middle of the night". Alice stated. I smiled and sat down on the bed.
    "I'll let you get some sleep. Goodnight Dani".
    "Hey Alice". Alice stopped and looked back at me.
    "Yes. What is it?"
    "Is Emmett going to be okay? During the battle I mean. I know you can see the future and I-"
    "Dani I don't need to see the future to know that Emmett is going to be okay. Trust me he's the toughest out of all of us". She reassured me as I let out a sigh of relief.
   "Besides he's fighting to protect you and your sister. He really cares about you Dani". Alice said as she closed the door. I smiled and pulled the covers over me.
   "Thank you Emmett". Were my last words I uttered before asleep.

A lot of people have been asking me if I'm going to have Dani near the battle and I think I'm going to keep her away from it for now because I want her to have some time to spend with Charlie and the rest of her. Anyone there maybe about five or six chapters left I guess.

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