Chapter 2

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"So Dani what's your first class?" Alice asked me. I glanced down at my schedule just as Emmett reached for it. I turned towards him and tried to grab it back from him. He just continued to hang it high above my head.
   "Give it back you jerk!" I growled at him. I finally reached up high and pulled his from his grip.
    "Thank you jerk!" I stated glancing back at Alice. "It's English". She smiled at me.
   "Looks like you and me have English together!" She replied putting an arm around me. Just as we walked towards our classroom I felt someone pull me into a hug. "What in-"
    "Don't forget about me". I groaned as Alice let out a giggle. This was going to be a very long school year.


A few days had passed since I had arrived in Forks and I was doing my best to avoid the Cullen's at all times. That also meant seeing less of Bella since she was pretty much around them 24/7. No thanks to Edward Cullen and his family. There was something off putting about them and that gave me all the more reason to stay away from.
     Sighing at the sight of the empty house I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and put a causal yet rocking outfit. Then I went back downstairs and made myself an afternoon snack. As I finished off my plate I noticed that I had a missed text from Bella. Reading it over I let out a loud groan. There was no way that I was going to the Cullen's house or going be around them anytime soon. I didn't want to and I didn't need to.
     I was here to get away from guys who thought that they were all that and that broke you heart. I was not here to get mixed up with another batch of them.
As I was about to turn to go back upstairs I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and went to go open it. As soon as I opened the door I wanted to close it. Standing in the doorway was Emmett Cullen grinning at me. I put my hands on my hips.
   "What are you doing here?"
   "Can I come in?"
I shook my hand. "No". His grin widened.
  "Feisty. I like that". I rolled my eyes.
  "Emmett why are you here?"
  "I've come to kidnap you". He stated. I grinned at him.
   "Oh really? And who sent you here?" I asked him as he stepped closer to me.
   "Alice did. And shes not taking no for an answer and neither am I". Emmett told me. As I began to shut the door on him he reached for my waist and pulled me into his arms. I slapped my hand on his back. There was no way in hell that I was being kidnapped by some jerk who thinks that he's so cool. I kept on hitting him on his back until he dropped me into the passenger seat of his jeep.
   "How many cars do you guys own?" I questioned him as he shut his door and started up the engine.
   "So were not fighting back anymore are we?" Emmett said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at his comment.
   "I don't like what your doing, but do I have a choice?" I asked looking over at him as a grin appeared on his lips.
   "No you don't sweetheart".
   "Don't call me sweetheart!" I growled.

Sorry for lack of updates and stuff. I've been busy and not really in a writing mood, but don't worry I will finish this story.

Key to my Heart (Emmett x Dani #1)Where stories live. Discover now