Chapter 8

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   "Do I really have to be here?" I questioned Emmett as we got out of his jeep. He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder.
  "Cmon sweetheart you get to see me fight and win". Emmett snickered. I rolled my eyes at him and hit him in the chest.
   "Do you know that you have a big ego?" We both laughed and joined up with the others. Alice smiled at me.
   "Welcome back Dani!" Carlisle welcomed me. I smiled back at him as a small pack of wolves moved into eyesight. I felt Emmetts grip tighten on my shoulder as I followed his eyesight to the golden colored wolf.
   "Is that Jacob?" Emmett nodded his head at my question and I leaned up to his cheek and kissed it. Moving away he grinned. I rolled my eyes and blushed at him.
   "He's not my type...". I replied moving closer to him. Emmett smiled and linked my hand with his.
   "I think it's more then that". I let out a sigh.
   "I'll tell you later". I said moving away from him and closer to my sister. She smiled and pulled her hood up over the back of her head.
   "So I've heard that this is not the first time vampires have tired to kill you..."
   "Your correct. And you're probably in as much danger as I am". She told me. I sighed and looked down at my fingers.
   "Your probably right, but I kind of don't care...Emmetts different then the other guys Bella". I stated. She put a hand on my shoulder.
   "Well for one thing Dani he's a vampire". I rolled my eyes at her.
   "No really I hadn't realized that. But it's not that. He he really cares about me and I don't know if it's vampire mating thing or whatever or if he likes me for me I don't care. He has an interest in me and it's a first for me". I stated and I knew that it was true. Emmett really did care about me and the real me. He wanted to get to know the real me and at this point I was ready to finally let him in. There was no going back.
   "I'm happy for you Dani". My sister replied as Jasper walked over to us. Bella turned her attention to him.
   "Jasper how do you know so much about new borns?" Bella questioned him. He smiled and pulled the sleeve of his shirt up to revile a whole row of bite marks tuning up and down his arm.
   "Holy shit!" I gasped. "What happened?"
   "To answer both your questions I was a major in the Confederate army when I had come across a group of women. All three of them looked so beautiful that they didn't seem real. As I leaped off my horse I felt one of them grab me by my neck and she sank her teeth into me. From that day forward I became her puppet. She wanted to raise an army of newborn vampires and I was given the task of training them. If one of them didn't make the cut then Maria would have me kill them and burn there bodies. It was a horrible fate and something that I wish to forget". Jasper replied. I sighed.
    "Well glad to see that you found Alice after all that crazy stuff happened to you". I said. Jasper smiled as Alice came up behind him and kissed him on the cheek.
   "As am I". Alice smiled.
   "So Dani how's our brother treating you?" Jasper turned to me. I smiled.
   "He's..." I was caught off guard when I all of us heard loud growls coming from the training area. I looked over there to see Jacob and Emmett fighting. Jacob was almost on top of Emmett when a large black wolf howled and made Jacob stop. Jacob growled at Emmett and glanced over at me with a sad expression then leapt into the woods.
   "What the hell was that?" I shouted at Emmett as he got back on his feet. He shook the dirt off his shirt and walked towards me.
   "Did Jacob cheat on you?" Emmett stated out of nowhere. Shit. I sighed and nodded my head at him. He bared his teeth and ran his fingers through his hair.
  "When?" He questioned me.
  "Last summer he came to visit me and he asked me out. I was hesitant at first but I agreed. A month after dating he cheated on me". I answered his question. Emmett sighed and moved closer to me.
   "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you". I replied. Emmett smiled and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
   "Cmon on sweetheart your not to blame. That dog is". He stated. I smiled and linked my fingers with his.
   "Do you think I could hangout at your place tonight for a bit? I love Charlie don't get me wrong but-"
    "Baby you don't even have to ask!" Emmett winked at me. I smiled and nudged him in the rib cage making him laugh.

Dani is starting to warm up to Emmett a lot more and I'm excited to see how there relationship blooms from here!

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