Chapter 4

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The next morning I was very surprised to see Emmett and his jeep parked in my front yard. I didn't know what to make of it, but I knew that I wasn't going to like it. As I walked over to his car he opened the passenger side door. "Need a lift?" I sighed and got into his car. I knew that I was going to regret this chose.
     Especially after we arrived at school and everyone just stared at us as we got out of the car and walked side by side into the high school. Emmett winked at me as he dropped me off at my first class and I already wished that I could have hid under the covers.
My first few classes that day went by very fast and I was glad for that. I was still rather tired from party planing and school didn't make it any better.
   "Zoning out thinking about me?" Emmett flirted with me as he sat down next to me at my lunch table. Alice and Jasper were right behind him.
   "In your dreams". I replied back making Emmett chuckle.
   "That you are". He said winking at me. I huffed and took a sip of my soda.
   "You excited for party!" Alice chimed in. I slowly nodded my head. "Good because I can't wait to see what your dress look like. But I'm curious though".
  "About what?"
  "Why did you not get to wear it to that dance at your old school? Was it cancelled or did something come up?" Alice asked me. I sighed. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about my past relationships, but I knew that Alice would find away to get it out of me one way or another.
   " boyfriend at the time dumped me the day before prom and I didn't want to see him dancing with the girl that he cheated on me with. So I didn't go". I answered Alice. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Emmett frowning. It looked as if he wanted to murder someone.
  "You okay?" I questioned him.
  "I'll kick his ass". Was all Emmett uttered to me. I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. As I did so he looked up at me.
  "Emmett relax. It wasn't the first time that it's happen to me and I can tell you that it won't be the last".
  "What do you mean this wasn't the first time? This has happened to you before?" Emmett said raising his voice. Jasper looked over at him and whispered something to him.
  "Yeah...I'm used to guys breaking my heart that I've just become numb to it". I replied glancing down at my hands.
  "I'm sorry that you had to go through all that". Alice said laying her hands on mine. "If you ever need anything then I'm here for you". She finished as Emmett got up. Before he walked away he turned and looked back at me.
   "You deserve so much more then those idiots who missed their chance with a beautiful girl". Then he walked away from our table.

Emmett wasn't at school the rest of the day and neither was Edward. Bella had said that he had just vanished after lunch. I couldn't figure out why. But stepping out into the parking I saw that his jeep was gone. I shook my head and pulled my hood up. Then walked over to Bella's truck. I put my ear buds in and just zoned everybody out.
   Over the weekend Bella and Edward had gone to visit our mom Renee and Emmett didn't even bother to show up at my house unexpected. I was a bit relived that he didn't, but also I bit saddened that he hadn't. I shook my head. No Dani. Snap out of it. Your not saddened by him not being here. Your relived in fact. There was no way that I was not falling for Emmett. No way and no how. I had better things to do with my life then fall head over heels in love with a guy who looked like all the others.

Ooh feelings are starting to show! Sorry if this isn't really like eclipse. I'm trying to make it don't so focused on Bella and Edward like I did in my Avery and Jasper stories. I hope you guys are enjoying it and if you have any suggestions then let me know.

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