Chapter 7

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You know how you think that something was really a dream, but it actually turns out to be real? Yeah that's what happened to me when Emmett Cullen explained to me that he and his family were animal drinking vampires. At first I just laughed him off saying that he had too much to drink, but he soon proved that he was telling the truth. I told him that I needed time to process it so he took me home and I haven't been back to the Cullen house in a few days.
   I just sat around at Charlie's house trying to process everything that he had told me. It was crazy to think that all this time that he and Alice and not to mention me sisters bf were freaking vampires. This was slot for me to handle and I honestly thought I was doing a decent job with this shock.
I sighed as I heard a knock on the door. I had a feeling that it was Emmett and my feeling was right when I found him in my front steps.
    "Hey can I come in?"
    "Sure...." I answered stepping aside as he walked in. "So what brings you by?" I asked sitting down next to him on the couch.
   "I came by to see how your dealing with all this". Emmett replied. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.
    "How are you doing?" Emmett questioned me. I sighed.
     "I'm just overwhelmed. All in one day you said that you'd treat me with compassion, that you loved me me that your a freaking vampire! That's a lot for any normal person to handle Emmett!" I shouted. He sighed and put his hand on my leg.
   "I'm sorry for putting all that on you. Truly I am, but you had to know the truth and if Bella wasn't going to tell you then I was your next best chance sweetheart". He stated. Shaking my head at him and laid my hand on his shoulder.
    "I guess.."
    "Where's the part where you tell me to not call you sweetheart and to get out?" Emmett chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him.
    "Oh there still there...there just not for today". I smiled.
    "So I can stay?" Emmett smiled. I nodded. He grinned and linked his fingers with mine.
   "As long as you leave before Charlie gets home. I don't want him to find out just yet that another one of his daughters is hanging out a Cullen".
    "Cmon your dad loves me!"
    "After what Edward put Bella through and what Bella did to him I'm voting no on that one". I replied. Emmett rolled his eyes at me. Then pulled me into his arms.
   "Woah woah what are you going?!" I questioned him. Emmett smiled and kissed my cheek.
    "Holding you in my arms". He replied confused. "Am I doing it wrong?"
   "No...its just your holding me like you hold someone when-"
    "When your in love with them". Emmett finished my sentence. I slowly nodded my head at him.
   "Yeah..." As his lips were about to brush against mine Edward walked into the room and I jumped away from Emmetts body. Edward smiled at me then looked at his half brother.
   "I see you two are enjoying yourself". Edward grinned. I glared at him.
    "Shut up". I replied at his comment and put my hoodie back on.
   "So what brings you here?" I asked him. Edward sighed.
    "Training begins today".

Dani and Emmett are too cute! And don't worry a romantic scene with them is coming up! I promise!

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