ー ONE | I

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[ o i k a w a t . | c u p o f t ea ]



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"So, how was it?" Asked Oikawa, hoping for a positive feedback regarding his millionth time of making a perfect brewed tea.

The girls mouth was pressed gently in a thin line, as the hot substance slide down her throat in a comforting way.

Oikawa was quite pleased in the newly found reaction from his mentor.

"It's good."

"Eh?" He uttered, clearly unsatisfied at her mere feedback.

A light chuckle was heard, "You're improving quite well Oikawa-kun. You're almost there, don't worry." A genuine smile graced her soft lips.

Oikawa managed to chuckle in return, giving her his usual cheery smile. "I know! There's nothing to expect unlikely on me, afterall." He said proudly, crossing his arms against his chest in a mocking manner.

A laugh once again erupted in her throat,
"Anyway, Oikawa-kun? "

"Hm?" He hummed in response, before looking at her in the corner of his eyes.

"Can you accompany me outside? I'd like to try your tea with some baked goods my mom made earlier this morning." You said, giving her your usual smile.

He return it with his own, as he happily walk towards you, his hands approached the handle, gripping it tight enough, he swivel the chair into the right direction.

Chuckling, your hand made it's way to cover your mouth. "Ah, the wind never fails to ease my mind."

Oikawa remained silent, as he push your wheel chair towards the open area.
The morning sun greeted your frail figure, as the chilly wind pass by. You shivered a bit, hugging your knitted cardigan in attempt to keep warm.

The winter is coming again.

Oikawa noticed this immediately, he took off his dark blue jacket, before he leaned down, covering your shoulders with it.
You we're startled at the sudden gesture, but you enjoyed this simple things,

"Thank you."

He smiled, but it only lasts for a few seconds. Sighing, he lean his face closer to yours. "You're always welcome, ______ ."

He took a step back, and told you he'll go get the baked goods inside. While waiting you couldn't help but to wonder.

Will you be able to see him again?

Like usual ?

Most unlikely.

Oikawa came back, holding a tray of various baked sweets your mom made for the both of you, and there's also Oikawa's favorite. Milk bread.

"_______-chan! Mom made my favorite treat as well! Be sure to give her my thanks, when she came back tomorrow!"

His words made your eyebrows furrow.
"Eh? You're not going here, tomorrow?" You asked, disappointment dripping from your words.

A silence followed.

"...I have an appointment to attend to." His reply was hesitant at first, but you decided to buy it.

"Oh, well. Good luck then."a smile graced your lips, "Can you accompany me towards the tea house, please?" You asked once again, clearly hesitant, since it seems you're asking way too much.

But Oikawa pay no mind to it at all.
"Oh, Sure! Wait a second!" You heard few shuffles then and there, and soon he came back, putting his hands on the handle he push you forward once again.


"I always dreamt of having a tea with you, like the usual."

His words made your breathing stopped for a moment,


He almost punched himself, at his abrupt outburst. "I'm very sorry, _______-chan! I didn't mean to hurt you in some ways."

"It's fine, Oikawa-kun. I know how you felt, but we all know. We can't change it. Right?" You reasoned, a smile formed on your lips as you went on, "No matter how hard we try."

Oikawa loosened his grip on the handle, as he walk infront of you. His warm brown eyes, staring at your dull ones.

"I know." A tear slowly slid away from his eyes, down to his soft cheek. Soon, it was numerous.




But you didn't noticed.

Not at all.


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