Part 43: Christmas Gifts

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"JOSH JOSH JOSH! IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING! COME ON!" I yelled childishly to my boyfriend. I ran down the steps to where the tree was, glistening in it's Christmasy glory. Under it were presents of all sizes that Tyler and Jenna left, along with ones from parents and each other. Yawning, Josh followed sluggishly behind.

"Open one from me first!" He said, and pointed at a small blue and green box. I nodded and slumped to the ground in a cheery lump. I first shook it, and heard a little rattle inside. I then tore the ribbon off and threw the lid behind me. It was a little slip of paper that read, Turn Around Babe.

I turned around to see Josh smiling his squinty little smile, on one knee. Holding a ring. I gasped as he spoke. "Y/N, give me the best Christmas present off my life and say you will marry me. I jumped into his arms, kissing him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" I exclaimed happily. We finished opening our gifts and Josh went to start breakfast. Tyler and Jenna showed up and we all ate together and told them the big news. The morning ended with Tyler singing Jingle Bell Rock.

"My nose and feet are running as we start to travel through snow, together we go." ~Oh Mrs. Believer, Twenty One Pilots

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