Chapter 1

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Dean's eyes closed heavily as they reread the text for the tenth time. He didn't have any idea how to kill the monster at hand. Everything he's read has given him completely different ways and the only thing he could think to do was to try them all and hope they can find the right one before they get killed.  

John had gotten frustrated, tossing his books aside. He left his oldest son to finish up while he got a shower. Dean wanted to have some good news for his father when he came back, but it was looking like he wouldn't be doing that. Not at the rate he was going. 

"Just go to bed Dean." Sam's voice broke into Dean's tired mind, causing a rush of alertness to wash over him for a split second before the tiredness took back over. He looked at his younger brother with eyes that seemed frozen in the half open position.

"I've got research to do."

"You've already read all the books we've got, your not going to find anything you haven't already. Get some sleep and you can look for new information in the morning." The 12 year old explained, his own voice holding a hint of exhaustion.

Dean was about to reply when three knocks echoed through the door and around the cheap motel room. Both brothers looked to the door and then back to each other. Dean could still hear the water running in the bathroom so John wouldn't be coming back out for at least five minuets. Dean stood and grabbed the lonely shotgun from the end of John's bed. He pressed it against the plaster door that was trying to come off as wood and unlocked it.

When he opened the door the cold air sharply pricked at his exposed skin and he looked around the parking lot of the motel. He couldn't see anyone and just when he was about the shut the door, something on the ground caught his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when his gaze took in a tiny basket. Inside was a little baby who blinked up at him.

"What the hell....?" He bent down and grabbed the basket by the handles and pulled it inside the warmth of the room. Sam looked just as confused as he did when he set it on a clear space of the table that didn't have books on it.

The baby was wrapped in a pale pink blanket. By the color of the cloth he assumed the baby was a girl. On her lap there was a folded up piece of paper with his name on it. He tentatively picked up the paper and unfolded it.


If you're reading this that means my vision came true and I'm dead. I have no way of knowing where or when you will get this or her but I know that you will.

If she's old enough to explain it to you then this letter isn't worth much but if not then I will do it for her. She's yours. I know the two of us didn't  end on the best of terms and that's why I never told you I was pregnant. I had no way of knowing how you would react to her after finding out what I was. I was protecting her. I'm not saying that you would ever hurt her but sometimes hunter can be unpredictable  and I couldn't take that chance. 

I know that the two of us are young, too young to be parents but everything happens for a reason, just like I died for a reason. She's your responsibility now and I really hope that you will take her and not give her up.

Please don't let her be raised by strangers who won't understand what she is.


By the end of the letter Dean's eyes were as wide as saucers. He read it over and over before looking up and turning his attention to the now sleeping baby. Sam was looking at him with a questioning face, waiting for him to explain.

"Dean....whose baby...." Sam asked, while looked to make sure that John hadn't come out while he was freaking out over the letter. He glanced from his brother to the baby before answering the question.

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