Chapter 24 Part 1

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Vi wasn't sure what she did or how she did it. It wasn't one of her powers, and it doesn't make any sense for the past her to be able to obtain new powers that she herself didn't have. So, she decided that it had to have something to do with Vi being there. She told this to Dean and Sam, Sam accepted it, understanding that their powers could be melding due to having two of the same people in the same time. Dean on the other hand felt like she should have offered a better explanation, not liking the uncertainty. It didn't help that he was already frustrated with the future version of his daughter due to her unwillingness to share where his father was.

"So basically, you're saying that you don't have any idea what is going on?" Dean asked, looking through the rearview mirror.

"That sounds about right." She responded. "If I could explain everything that was going on, I would probably be able to send myself back home. Thanks to the lack of training I had growing up, I've had to learn about my powers through trial and error. This is as new for me as it is for you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Are we finding a motel or not?"


Something about Violet getting into Vi's head made Vi a lot more careful about what she thought about and she made sure to build up her walls. The last thing she wanted was to endanger her future with her husband. The two of them didn't have the best of relations in the beginning and Vi fully believed that if she went into the relationship with the certainty of them being together in the end, then it would cause for even more trust issues between them when they first started exploring the more romantic side of life.

"This monster...if it's really the thing that killed mom...why couldn't Dad find it all this time if it was stuck in the house?" Sam asked, more to himself then anyone else. Dean nodded, thinking about it as well.

"Maybe it's been moving around and it's just moving in one big circle. Starting over with this family." Vi was having a hard time keeping her mouth shut. It wasn't like she enjoyed all of this, she wanted to help. But she couldn't unknowingly change something without knowing exactly the things that would be affected. If she did something that got her grandfather killed faster than it could change the way they that they dealt with the Demon. Then again if she saved her grandfather there's a possibility that he father wouldn't go to hell and it would stop the apocalypse all together. But at the same time, it could make everything happen a lot faster. Just thinking about it was giving her a major headache.

"Do you guy have any pain pills?" It was a stupid question considering they've always had pain meds, she just wasn't sure where they would be.

"Yeah." Sam dug around in his bag for a few moments and pulled out a bottle, tossing it to her. She popped a few back and downed them with a beer she stole from Dean. Dean watched her, looking up from his father's journal, concerned with her change in attitude. He didn't comment on it though. Vi started to think about how she was going to get back. She's spent to much time here as it is, she was kind of hoping that the future versions of her family were looking for her as well. Castel might not be at full power but Vi had faith that they would figure something out, because past Uncle Sam and her father were no where near as well versed in mythical world as they are in the future. They were still playing with the run of the mill monsters.

"Let's go talk to some of Dad's old friends here." Dean said. "Vi, you stay here with Violet."

"I think we'll go find a park or something." Vi responded, not liking the idea of being stuck in a motel room when she didn't have to be. Violet seemed to feel the same. Dean didn't like the idea of them going off by themselves but considering Vi has made it to the age she is, he trusted that she could take care of herself, at least her younger self.

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