chapter 12

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"Grandpa?" Violet questioned. She was sitting next to him in his truck as he drove down the highway. He took his eyes off the road for a second and raised his eyebrows. "Is daddy angry at me?" John shook his head.

"No." John thought about whether or not to explain to her about hunters and what they think about people with powers. He knew that it would probably be better coming from his son but it didn't seem like he was going to start barking up that tree anytime soon. "He's just trying to make sure that you stay safe." Violet looked at her grandfather and frowned. Her father had never called her grandfather before to come and get her.

"But why? Is it because I went to see the wolves?"

"Violet. Not everybody can do what you do." He said, deciding that she needed to understand that she's not normal and that she can't just keep using her powers like this. "Not everyone has powers like you do." He said. He did his bast not to sound to hard while he spoke to her.


"'re special." He said carefully, knowing that this conversation could go one of two ways. "....and there are some people out there who don't like it when people are born special." He told her slowly. "So your father and I are going to try and help you control them so we don't have to worry about them....coming and talking to us." Violet looked at John, still confused. She bit onto her lip and crossed her arms across her chest. She started swinging her feet and John almost told her to stop but then decided against it.

He pulled off the next exit leading him into Lawrence Kansas. Violet watched out the window in curiosity. John hadn't told her where they were going and she was itching to know. He stopped at the next store and got her her usual snacks to keep her busy until he got where they needed to know.

"Where are we going?" She asked, half of her face covered in melting ice-cream. He couldn't stop himself from smiling at her and reached into his glove compartment to grab the napkins he kept inside. He handed them to her and she awkwardly wiped at the mess. It didn't really do anything other then push the liquid onto her dress, blue this time, and make her hands even more sticky. He shook his head but didn't bother trying to clean her up as she reached for the drink that he and her were sharing. Some of it also dripped onto the dress and onto his seat.

"We're going to see one of my old friends." He answered pulling off the main road down a side street that would lead him to the house he was looking for. When he pulled into the drive way he climbed out of the truck and made his way to the side with his granddaughter. He opened the door and she lifted her arms for him to pick her up. His eyes widened at the sight of just how messy her face was. He lifted her into his arms, not really caring that the sticky slim also known as a mixture between soda and Ice-cream was quickly being transferred onto him. He wasn't even halfway up the porch when it opened.

"John Winchester." The woman looked to the man who was making his way up the wooden steps.

"Missouri." He greeted.

"Why, I haven't heard from you in almost twenty years." She stepped back so he could move inside. "And what is this little bundle of power you've brought to me?" Violet waved at her with a bright smile.

"I'm Violet, like the flower." Missouri raised an eyebrow and smiled at her.

"I see Dean's been busy." Missouri looked to John, "with a witch non the less." John grunted, setting the six year old down on the ground.

"I need your help."

"Well the girl is brimming over the top with energy." Missouri said, sitting down in her chair across from John. She leaned forward and handed him a cup of coffee. John gladly took the cup of coffee and gave her his normal emotionless mask.


"Yeah," she exclaimed, "she's soaking it up like a sponge." She looked into the kitchen and saw the little girl coloring on the table.

"Soaking it up?"

"Do you not speak English? All the energy moving though the air, some of it comes from the sun, some of it is coming off you and me. It's moving to her like a flock of geese during migration season." She she said, folding her hands into her lap and leaned back in her chair.

"I'm just trying to understand her abilities and how we can control them." He said calmly, knowing that Missouri wasn't one to deal with a disrespectful tone. He also looked to his granddaughter. She was propped up on her knees and leaning over the table as she colored. "Dean was saying that she can see things. Things that are farther away then she should be able to see." He looked back to the.

"Sounds about right." She clasped her hands and dropped them onto her lap. "She's got a radar thing going off in that little head of hers." John's surprise betrayed him his eyebrows shot through the roof of his hairline.


"I'm having a hard time getting through her mind but that's about what it looks like. Anything living within a thousand feet is clear as a bell in her mind."

"So she can see things? Can she tell them apart from other things-" He was cut off by the little girl running into the room with the picture in her hand. She crawled into John's lap and shoved it in his face.

"Look!" John took it from her hands and looked it over for a second. It was a dog that she had colored purple. John smiled at her patted her head.

"It's very....pretty." He assured her, she gave him the biggest smile she could and turned around on his lap so she could face Missouri. She tilted her head to the side and it looked like she was trying to understand the older woman.

"You look different." Violet said. "Like the wolves." She explained. John looked at her in question and the glanced to Missouri as if she would understand.

"That's because I am different. And so are you."

"Grandpa said I was special." She looked up at John waiting for him to confirm his earlier statement.

"Violet, what do you mean she feels different?" Missouri scoffed at John's question.

"Did you not just hear me explain to you that she see's things that aren't in front of her? She can see auras. Not like you would understand them. She can see our energies and those around us." Violet looked between the two adults. Her grandfather never let anyone talk to him like that.

"What's an aura?" Violet asked. Missouri turned her attention back to the six year old.

"It's those little dots you see floating around in your mind." She leaned forward is if to get closer to the child. "How long have you been able to see them sweetie?" Violet thought about it and then shrugged, not remembering a time when she hasn't been able to see them. John looked own at the little girl and thought over the news. He was starting to berate himself for not bringing her here sooner and learning more about her powers.

"Why are you different?"

"I'm a psychic."

"What am I?"

"You are a Witch."

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