chapter 19

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During the time Violet spent with Anthony and his friends, they taught her how to use he abilities in ways that she didn't even know she could. She was learning how to direct the energy to what she wanted to do. Like now when she walked past a plant then it would move unless she wanted it too. The hardest thing she was dealing with the was fact that should couldn't stop taking energy in so whenever she stopped letting the energy out her hair would just grow longer and faster then ever before. It didn't matter how hard and long they worked with her she just couldn't close off that part of her mind. Most of her time there was spent on 'magic schooling' but she was aloud off on her own once.

Anthony had been called away for the day and had told her to go off and play. Since none of the kids were really her age she decided to go off into the woods. One thing that she's always loved is flowers. Something about them always made her happy so she was more then excited to see that the forest floor was completely covered. She picked one of them from their roots and pushed it behind her ear. She slowly felt the stem of it grow and weave into her hair. More buds grew and suddenly she had something that resembled a flower crown.

It wasn't until she was about 100 or so yards into the trees that she noticed a familiar spark in her head. She couldn't place where she had felt it before but she knew that she had. She began moving towards it. She wasn't scared, in fact that presents of this energy calmed her down, made her feel safe. She wanted to know why.

It was sitting at the base of a large tree that she couldn't name. From what she could tell it was sleeping. She recognized the dark silver beast as one of the ones she saw a few years before. When she took a step closer her foot snapped a stick in half and the animal shot to its feet. Its eyes zoned in on her, hostile but only for a split second, the growl dying in its throat. She moved closer to the wolf and pressed her hand onto it's head. She wondered where the other wolves were but she didn't ask, knowing that he wouldn't answer her. He licked her face from her chin to the top of her head.

She fell back and laughed at the gross feeling of slobber moving down her face. She rubbed her shirt down her face to get the wetness. Something changed in the wolf at the same time that she noticed another spark at the edge of her mind's eye. The dog shook her hand off his head and pushed his maw into her side, pushing her back the way she came. Whatever it was that she saw in her head, it was coming closer. The wolf pushed her harder and she stumbled slightly but got what he was trying to do. He walked her all the way out of the trees and watched her move back into the house before she felt him disappear out her line of vision.

Over the next few days she called her father every night before she went to bed to talk about what she was learning. He was still very uncomfortable with her not being with him where he could protect her. He was proud to hear that she was learning but at the same time wasn't happy that he wasn't the one teaching her. He couldn't wait until he could come and pick her up and go back to the way it was before.

"Violet, tell me, does the fire feel hot?" Anthony questioned as Violet stepped into the flames. It was kind of uncomfortable for her to walk over the burning wood but it was greatly out shadowed by the thrill of walking into the burning energy. She shook her head at the question and opened her arms to let the heat engulf her. It wasn't hot, not in the sense that it burned but more like a warm and comfortable blanket.
She happily stood in the fire for what felt like forever before he called her out of the flames. She sighed but did as she was told. When she came out it was almost like someone splashed cold water all over her and she frowned, not liking the feeling.

The physic was looking into where she thought Violet's abilities stemmed from and so far was finding quiet a bit of information. She was going to wait for Violet's father to come to get her before she brought up it up.

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