chapter 21

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The ten, almost eleven year old held her bleeding hand over the bowl and waited. After about ten seconds she began to become agitated. She sighed and pressed her fist closed and more of the red liquid fell into the plastic before it stopped completely. Violet pulled it away and looked at it, only to find that the cut had healed itself. She was hoping that it would last a little longer because of the lack of sunlight but it looked like that wasn't what her powers had in mind.

"Where the hell am I?" Violets head shot up and looked at the woman who was standing about six feet in front of her. She was wearing a mesh dress with what looked to be dark blue sting bikini that showed a lot more then it covered underneath. The cover came down to mid thigh and had a slit that started just below her arms and went over her shoulder in a spaghetti strap.

Her skin was completely clear had a nice tan to it, like she's been out in the sun for an extended amount of time. Her left had was decorated with two rings on her ring finger that gave away her marital states. Her hair was the same color as Violet's but it was far more tamed then her own. Each stranded was perfectly curled without a trace of frizz. Her emerald green eyes showing just as much confusion as Violet felt.

"Who are you?" Violet questioned, slowly standing up from where she was kneeling. The wolf was growling but it sounded confused. The woman looked at the dog and frowned, she put her hand on her hip and raised one eyebrow.

"I don't know who you think youre growling at." She said with a hint of disbelief. The wolf stopped abruptly and moved slowly towards her. Smelling the scent she gave off. The same scent that the ten year old had. As he moved her stepped in front of Violet in a protective manner. The movement brought the woman's attention to the younger girl. "We'll....isn't this just great."

The woman had a firm grip on Violets wrist as she lead her from the trees. "This is why you shouldnt do magic on your own." She told the child softly. Violet looked down at the ground and did her best to keep from crying. Her father was going to be so angry at her. She didnt know what the spell was going to do but she didnt think that it would summon herself from the future.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to yourself honey, it's weird. Everything is going to be fine." Violet told her in a soothing voice. The wolf was trailing behind them at the somewhat close pace. Future Violet didn't seemed to need to be led back out of the brush. She walked over roots and branches without even having to look down. When they got to the edge the wolf stayed in the trees and both girls left them. Dean and Sam were speaking in a panic behind the Impala. Dean was close to yelling when the girls got within hearing range.

"....How could she just....?" As he was saying it he heard them approaching. He turned around and Violet could see the panic flood away and be completely replaced with relief. He scooped the child up in his arms without even noticing the extra person. She didn't fly over Sam's head though.

"Who are you?" He questioned. Future Violet saw his hand twitch slightly to his gun and she rolled her eyes. Some things never change. Sams question brought Dean out of his worried thoughts and he too noticed the strange women. Her clothes, or lack there of didn't escape him either. Her smiled slightly and it made her want to throw up all over him.

"Don't hit on me, thats," a violent shiver moved up and down her body, "disgusting." Dean frowned. "She summoned me." Violet gestured to Violet. Dean looked to his daughter. From the future. She added, hoping that he father would piece together to the information and she wouldn't have to spell it out for him. She looked to her uncle and saw that he got where she was going. Dean still looked confused and Violet sighed, she looked to her younger self and nodded for her to do the talking.

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