Chapter 15

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"Dude, you can't just break in in the middle of the night and expect me to take off with you." Sam followed his brother wearing an incredulous face. Dean kindly ignored his protests and pushed though the gate to where he left the impala.

"I need your help." Dean said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Why else would I show up here in the middle kf the night?"

"No, you don't need my help. You want it." Dean had already caught him up to speed with everything that was heppening to their father. He had yet to tell him about the real reason he wanted his help.

They had left Violet up in Sam's apartment with his girlfriend, leaving the brothers to talk alone. Dean didn't want his daughter to know that there was a chance that something had happened to her grandfather.

"Okay, fine. I want your help. But think about your niece. She really misses you and I think a little family bonding time is in order." Dean might have sounded like the most sarcastic man in the world while he said that but he knew that Violet would be ecstatic to have her uncle with them again.

"Then leave her with me while you look for him." Dena huffed and leaned against the trunk of the car.

"That's not an option. Her powers are too hard to hide." Sam's eyebrows shot up, surprised at how casually his brother mentioned her abilities. Before he left even mentioning the possibility of her even having powers sent Dean on a rampage.

"Her hair still growing?"

"Yep, its getting faster. Cutting it every moring has become my daily routine." He grunted. "Not to mention its really thick, its broken scissors."  He gave his brother the most serious face he could muster. Sam laughted.

"Is that all?"

"No, she attracts plants like a magnet and when she gets upset the lights stop working." He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I can't leave her with anyone and I can't, no i won't leave her in a motel room by herself and go get myself hurt or worse."

"So what? You're going to bring me along so I can babysit her while you go out and get yourself hurt or worse?"

"No, at least if I have you with me there's a bigger chance of me not getting killed." He said the last part while looking up at the window where he broke in with his daughter.


"You're just taking off?" Jess asked her boyfriend as he got his things together. He looked up at her and gave her one of his best smiles.

"I'll be back before the interview." He promised. "Just have to help Dean find Dad. Shouldn't take more then a couple days." He closed up his bag and walked around the bed, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Violet poked her head into the room. Dean had told her to stay in the other room but she didnt listen. Sam smiled down at her and she took that as an invitation to come all the way inside.

Jess couldn't get over how beautiful the little girl was. Her dark hair made her eyes almost pop out of her face. She had softer features that you would expect with a child but at the same time it made her look a little older then ten, but that could also be due to the way she held herself and spoke.

"Almost ready." He assured her. She smiled and wrapped her hand his wrist. She peered up at Jess through thick lashes.

"Sorry for stealing him."

"Oh, he was yours first." Jess said to the child, and she was telling the truth. When she first met Sam, Violet was the first thing he told her about. He had been heartbroken when he mentioned that there was a chance that he was never going to be able to see her again after leaving for school. That was until he got a phone call several months later with her energetic voice in the other end.

Violet pulled on his arm to take him from the room. Jess laughed at her but didn't make him stay. Violet was very anxious to get back on the road with both her uncle and father. Dean was waiting for them in his car, he tried to keep his daughter down there with him but she decided that she would wait for her uncle with her uncle.


"She's gotten so big." Sam said to Dean after she passed out. He had been a little surprised after Dean told him his little she sleeps but apparently when she crashes she crashes hard. Dean glanced in the review mirror and smiled.

"Yeah she has." He chucked while he said it. Sam couldn't get over the fact that she grew at least a head since the last time he saw her. She was still pretty small for a ten year old and both of them wondered if she would stay on the shorter side of her peers.

"How's Dad with her?" Sam asked after a few more minutes of them not speaking. He had tored talking about the case but he and Dean only had so much information so he went with talking about her. He wasn't sure if there was anything that might set Dean off like before he left. He seemed to be far more at ease with her powers then he had been before and that made Sam happy. He had felt a little guilty that he wouldn't be able to take her out so she could play with them so he was glad Dean was more open and probably let her have some grew time for them to grow and develop.

"Pretty good. He wants me to really start training her." He said it sourly.

"You haven't been training her?" Sam was shocked. He had assumed that they would have started before he left but to hear that Dean was still putting it off after no doubt getting a direct order from their father made Sam's respect for his brother sky rocket.

"She's only ten, she doesn't need to be worring about monsters and making sure the knows how to kill them."

"Did you tell Dad that?"


"And....?" Sam was leaning forward and facing his brother at the same time.

"Wasn't pretty." He said shortly. Sam scoffed in amused shock. "Dude, why are you so surprised?"

"Because, you normally worship the man. If he says jump you ask how high."

"Violet is my daughter. Not his or anybody else's. I will decide with she needs to learn how to shoot a crossbow." He looked at his brother with a hard gaze, demanding him to challenge what he said.

"Don't get all angry. I think waiting is great. Gives her time to be a kid." Dean relaxed a little. It was obvious that he was used to having to defend his parenting choices like defending the border of an island from invaders. "How's her homeschooling going?" He decided to change the subjest. Dean's whole demeanor changed.

"She's so freaking smart." He started going on about everything she's done and how fast she can get it done. Happy to have someone around who appreciated just special the little girl was.

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