Chapter 20

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Violet sat in the back of the impala as they drove down the highway. She had about thirteen books scattered around the seat. Sam was passed out in the passenger seat while her father was driving. He glanced in the rear-view mirror every few seconds. Dean glanced at his brother scoffed when he saw the younger man's jaw hanging open.

"You shouldn't read in the dark." He said to his daughter fill the silence.

"I'm not, I made a light." She responded quietly. The book in her hands was an old book of spells that she somehow managed to convince her father to bye at a thrift shop. He hadn't wanted to, but he felt bad that Andrew and his group of friends were a no go. The only person he might trust his daughter with out of al of them was the old lady. She gave them more usable information on his daughter in five minuets then they could have collected in a year. Dean wanted to pursue the lead but at the same time knew that he needed to focus on finding his father. The lead was already a good 20 or so years old, it could wait a few more weeks.

"Anything cool?" He asked in regards to the book. She looked up at him though the mirror and met his eyes.

"Define cool?" Dean shrugged. "There's one that's supposed to help you understand what your powers will become." She said it with a tone that made Dean uneasy, he could tell that she wanted to do it. "It doesn't look very hard."

"No no no no." He shook his head. "No magic spells."

"But Daddy!"

"No, its one thing when you do your….abracadabra shit. Its another thing, no just no. End of conversation." Their argument woke Sam up in a haste.

"What's going on?" Violet jumped in before Dean could say anything,

"Daddy doesn't want to find out about my powers!" Sam looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"That is not what I said."

"Then let me do the spell!" She huffed in the back seat.

"Violet." He said sternly, "I said no." Sam turned around to look at his angry niece as she slumped against the backseat. He sighed but didn't add anything to it. Dean didn't add anything either and just continued to drive down the blacktop.


Violet sat down on the bed as Dean and Sam moved into the motel room. Dean had decided to pull over for the night and find a place to sleep. Sam wasn't all that tired thanks to the nap he had in the car. He would have taken over driving but considering they didn't really have a place to be and Dean wanted sleep in a real bed he just went with it.

Violet hadn't said anything to them after Dean turned down her idea. He flopped down on the bed next to her, sending her body over the side and onto the floor. Dean rolled over and looked at her to make sure that she wasn't hurt. When he saw her still breathing he chuckled a bit. She wasn't at all amused. Ever sense they left Andrews Dean hadn't let her play with her powers. Its been four months and she had enough bottled up energy to burn down an entire forest.

She wanted to find her grandfather just as much as her dad and uncle did but she also needed to get rid of some of this energy. She got off the floor and moved to the other bed and sat down.

"Fine, be that way." Dean finished getting ready for bed and passed out twenty minuets later and Sam followed quickly after. Violet didn't know what to do now that they were both sleeping. She didn't want to watch Tv, she didn't want to read, and she didn't want to just sit there. She wanted to go outside and play in the woods. She could feel her wolf outside, like he was calling to her but at the same time was completely silent. She knew that it wasn't normal for the animal to be following them but her always made her feel better.

It was like, every time she thought about him he showed up. She didn't dare tell her father, he would more then likely try and make him go away, just like he made everyone else go away. She looked at both her father and uncle and decided that it would be awhile before either one of them got up. She silently moved towards the door, grabbing her spell book and her father's car keys on the way, and opened it.

Part of her was excited, this is the first time that she's ever done anything that could really get her in trouble but the other part of her was horrified at how angry her father would be if he found out. She closed the door behind her and looked around the parking lot. After not seeing anyone the held the book tightly to her chest and started moving towards the impala. She opened the door and popped the trunk. Once she got it open she looked at the spell to see what she needed. It didn't take her long to find it in the trunk. She gave the motel one last look before moving into the forest completely.

He wasn't that far inside, in fact it was like he was waiting for her. She instantly ran her fingers though his fur. "You're going to help me cast a spell." She told him. The wolf made a noise that she didn't know how to describe. She walked past him farther into the trees and he barked at her. "Are you coming or not?" Violet was kind of surprised at how much life she saw in the trees. The wolf walked right beside her, if not a little in front of her. She made it to a tree that she liked and sat down on the ground.

"Can you understand me?" She asked the animal as she spread out all the things that were needed in order to do the spell. He laid down across from her and placed his head on his paws and made a grunting noise. "I will take that as a yes. I was reading a book last week that said wolves are pack animals. Why don't you have a pack?" She started putting everything together. He whined softly and she at him. "Did something happen to them?" He bobbed his head up and down. "So you're alone now?" His head moved up and down again. "You're not like other wolves are you? You're like me?" Her repeated the same motion.

Violet stopped talking after that and really worked on what she had in front of her. All she had to do in order to complete the spell was her blood. She looked around her and didn't see anything that she could use to cut herself. "I knew I should have grabbed a knife." She huffed and looked at the animal. "Can you cut my finger?" She questioned and the dog made a scoffing noise. She held her hand out to him. "Please, I don't want to walk all the way back to the car." She gave him the puppy dog look which she found slightly ironic. It reached its paw out to her and lightly drug its claw over her pointer finger. She smiled at him and held it over the bowl.


Sam sat up in bed quickly as his thoughts tried to piece together the dream that he just had. He held his head in his hands as his mind beat itself like an invisible drum. It took a few minuets but the pain died down slightly and he stood.

He went straight to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water before looking over the motel room. The first thing he noticed was the lack of Violet. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to his brother's bed. Sometimes Dean's body would hide her from some angles. He looked all over the bed and on the floor next to the bed. He checked the bathroom despite the fact that he was just in there.

"Oh no." He ran his fingers though his hair. "Dean." He repeated himself when the older man didn't respond.

"What?" He exclaimed in a groggy manner.

"Violet's gone." That got his attention. He sat up and looked around the room in a panic.

"Did you check the bathroom?" He asked as he got off the bed and reached into his pocket for his car keys only for him to come up empty. "Do you have my keys?"

"I already looked and no."

"Son of a bitch."

Sup guys. What roll do you think the dog plays?

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