chapter 8

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Violet had cried herself to sleep. She refused to look at her father or her grandfather as they packed up to leave. Dean wanted to lay down with her and try to make her feel better but his father was hell bent on getting the hell out of the town and he made sure Dean was helping him. By the time they were ready to leave Violet was fast asleep. Dean carried her out to the car and decided to let his father drive.

"You ready to talk about it?" John asked after an hour of them being on the road. Dean looked at him in surprise, John isn't one to talk about feelings and junk like that.

"About Sam?"

"No," John shook his head and gripped onto the steering wheel, "about you daughter."

"She's upset."

"Yeah, so upset she sent your ass to the floor." Dean chewed onto the inside of his lip in frustration.

"It was nothing."

"Listen here, it was one thing when she was just fireproof. But now we're lucky to go a week without us having to take her in for a haircut. Now she freaking dropped you to the damn floor." John gave his son a hard look for a split second before turning back to the road.

"I don't know what you want me to do, she's six. It's not like she's gonna be able to give us a detailed explanation of her powers and how they work."

"Yeah, because the monsters give us a detailed explanation of what they are and how to kill them when we roll into town." John said sarcastically. Dean bit onto the inside of his lip in frustration.

"Don't compare her to monsters." Dean told him with a threatening tone. John rolled his eyes but didn't press on that matter. He knew that Dean wouldn't fight him on most things but he would go to hell and back for Violet.

"All I'm saying is that if we're going to figure anything out we need to crack open the books and look for ourselves." Dean huffed and glanced at his sleeping daughter.

"So what are we going to do? Just look into powers that involve fast growing hair, fireproof, and shocking the crap out of people?" Dean questioned.

"We can start by looking into her mother again." Dean wanted to throw out there that Sam was the one that did most of the research but then thought better of it.

"Daddy, I want ice cream!" Violet exclaimed from the backseat. Toys were scattered around the leather and took up most of the floorboard. Her hair came down to her mid thigh and Dean reminded himself that getting her a haircut was the first thing he should Six months after his brother hit the books she finally started acting like she was before. John decided it was time that Dean started hunting on his own so they could kill twice the amount of monsters in half the time. Violet of course travailed with him and so far he's been doing pretty good with the whole hunting and being a single dad thing. He did all the hunting while she was at school and when she was home he did research. If he needed to do something at night, he waited till she was sleeping before he went out and got back before she needed to be out for school.

She wasn't very happy leaving John but Dean assured her that they would see him often and John had to promise the same thing before she calmed down. The other thing Dean was focusing on between moving his daughter around was looking for information on her mother. This is when he decided that getting girls pregnant on one night stands is something that he should never do again.

"When we get to town baby." He said, pulling off onto the next exit that led him deeper into North Carolina. It was another half an hour before he pulled into the parking lot of a motel right in the middle of town. Violet was unbuckled and out of the car before he even shut it off.

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