Chapter 23

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Yo readers. I know I haven't uploaded in awhile and all i can say is that school is absolute hell. I'm taking two AP classes and the rest are honors so I've been writing as i get the small amount of time. Anyway here is the next chapter.

Older Violet stepped out of the car as both her uncle and father went inside the gas station. She felt the sun absorbing into her body. Little her was still reading, she's finished the first three books she has and was almost done with the forth. Big Violet kind of wished that she had more time in the future to read like She used to.

Her time was to divided between her husband, father, and uncle. Add in saving the world once a week and you don't have much time for anything. She pulled out her phone and wished the damn thing would work. If only for five minutes. Just long enough for her to tell her future family she was okay.

"Hey, I got you some soda." Sam handed her the bottle to which she happily accepted. She popped the lid off and took a large gulp. "You look a bit troubled." She gave him the look that the comment deserved.

"Well, you know how you and dad are. You think y'all are protective now it only seemes to get worse."

"Really? I would think that we would have lessened the rains as you got more control of your abilities." He didn't even try to correct the protective statement. Sam knew he wasn't nearly as bad as his brother but at the same time he knew that he could sometimes be much as well.

"Well, the way that the everything seemed to play out boys came right after the powers and dad didn't take a very nice liking to that." She laughed and shook her head as she said it. "I did manage to get pretty far without the two of you finding out." She regretted it the second the words left her mouth. Not because it would really mess with her interactions witht the opposite sex, but because she would have to work harder about hiding it.

Sam's eyebrows shot up at the confession. He never really thought about how him and Dean were going to deal with her dating. It was just a thought that never crossed his mind.

"Is that something I need to inform your father about?" He questioned in a joking manner. He wasn't going to rat her out. She shrugged; Dean was in hell when it all began so there isn't much he would be able to do. Not directly anyway.

"You can if you want to. I really don't think it will change all the much. Just might make me more sneaky and being better at that isn't going to bother me all that much." Dean got to them at that point.

"What you guys talking about?" He asked as he started pumping the gas.

"Oh nothing." She answered, taking another large gulp of the soda. "Just about my large number of boyfriends that I've had over the years." Dean narrowed his eyes at her. "Honestly what did you think I was going to do, become a nun?"

"You would have made a great nun." Dean said the most serious look that she's ever seen in him.

"I would have to respect for god to make that work and he's nothing but a drunk."

"A drunk huh?"

"Yep. hey, we should get something to eat." She nodded her head towards the diner across the street, deciding to change the subject before they got to close to the truth. Both men nodded and Dean went to park the car.

Something about the diner made younger Violet's skin prickle. She couldn't think of a time that shes felt this way. Her older self didn't seem to be that worried but little Violet had a hard time reading her like she did her father and uncle. Dean and Sam's energy changed based on what they were feeling, it only took her a few hours of being around someone for her to be able to differentiate their emotions. Older Violet seemed to have something around her that kept her out, something that hid her own energy.

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