Chapter 3

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Dean leaned back against the headboard of the cheap bed, Violet passed out on his chest.

After a full year of taking care if her Dean still had no idea what the hell he was doing. John was still holding to his word that he wasn't taking care of her but Sam was pitching in where he could.

He ran his hand up and down her back, it was the only way to keep her asleep when everyone else was moving around the motel room. Sam was working on a paper for his English class and John was writing in his journal about the hunt they just finished. Violet's fist was tangled in his shirt and her head tucked under his chin.

Sam got to watch Violet while Dean and John were hunting. Sometimes he would even play with her while Dean was sleeping or showering.

She seemed to really like John though. Despite the fact that he hadn't even held her since that first night. If he was sitting next to Dean while she was in his lap she would just look at him. Her attention wouldn't waver for anything, she would just look at him with wide eyes.

Dean continued rubbing her back and watched his brother as he worked on his homework and his father as he bent over the leather bound book. Dean felt his stomach rumbled at the lack of food and decided to make a run.

He sat up, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby but it was no use. The second he moved she was awake and crabby. She angrily grabbed at his nose.

"Hey now," he warned. His voice caught the attention of the two other people in the room. Sam laughed at her grip on his nose and pushed the work away from himself. John looked up and grunted before looking back down. John's noise grabbed the attention of the one year old. She leaned away from her father in the direction of her grandfather. Sam laughed again.

"I'm gonna make a food run, anyone want anything?" Dean questioned.

"Can you get me a salad?" Sam asked, Dean rolled his eyes at the rabbit's request but nodded nonetheless. He looked to his father.


"Got it. Sam, you mind holding onto her while I'm gone. Shouldn't be more then a hour tops." Sam opened his arms for the baby and Dean handed get over despite the fact she was still fighting to get to John. Though once she was in Sam's lap she was happy enough.

"Be back." Dean said and was gone. Sam played with the baby while he took a break from his school work. He got out her toys and spread them out in front of her. She grabbed a blue block that had a capital letter B on it and chucked it towards the table where John was sitting. It bounced off his leg and Sam covered his mouth to keep from laughing. John looked at the laughing baby and shook his head. Violet frowned.

"Dad, I think she wants your attention." John grunted and Sam rolled his eyes at his father. He didn't understand why he refused to show any kind of affection to his granddaughter. Dean got back within the hour and set all the food down on the table. Violet crawled over to him. Once she got there she pulled herself up on his jeans and stood. The first time she did this Dean had gone out and bought yet another disposable camera. He hadn't gotten any of them developed yet, he wasn't sure what he was going to do with them if he had the copies so he just put them all in a sack and pushed them into the back of the trunk. He was waiting for her to start walking, from the books he's read she should start doing it anytime so he was watching her like a hawk.

"Did she walk?"

"No Dean, but she did throw a block at Dad." Dean laughed and picked her up.

"Did you get 'em?" He looked to his father who was giving him a dirty look. "You know, if you just payed attention to her she might not go out of her way to piss you off."

"Maybe if you actually discipline her instead of laughing every time she acts out she'll learn some respect." Dean's raised his eyebrows and frowned.

"She's a baby." He said incredulously. "The only thing she respects is food and she even throws that on the floor." John shook his head and Dean sighed. Violet didn't understand her fathers face so she shoved her hand into his mouth. "Ugh." He moved his head backwards and she squealed. "What the hell." Even John had to cover his amusement with his hand.

Dean was glad to see that her eyes never changed from there emerald green and her hair started coming in as a very dark red. At first he thought it was black but then he saw it out in the sunlight. She had the same hair as her mother.

They hadn't been able to find anything about her. They looked into the hospital where her birth certificate said she was born and tried to find her that way but no matter what stone they kicked up it just seemed like they were scratching the surface.

John kept more and more few up with his son as they searched. He didn't like the fact that they couldn't fins any information about Violet's heritage. It felt like they were going in blind when it comes to the magical side of her. Tay's last name had been changed to her adoptive family's name and they didn't have the kind of tools to find an adoptive record.

After a while of looking for answers Dean decided to put it on the back burner. If she wasn't showing any powers then it wasn't an issue. He decided they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

John watched his granddaughter sleep on the bed farthest away from the door. He weighed his options. He sent both his sons to go check on another hunter that was less then half an hour out. Dean didn't want to leave her but John told him that she was sleeping and would be fine.

He said she would sleep through him being gone. Violet had just turned two last week and Dean was really starting to think that she wasn't going to have any powers. Nothing so far made her look like anything other then a normal growing kid. He started putting her in daycare when they were hunting to help her start getting used to dealing with other kids. As she got older she started making it her life mission to make John love her. She follows him around and does everything he tells her to do. Draws him pictures and sits next to him when they go out to eat.

John was having a hard time fighting her. As she got older she just seemed to get cuter. It was almost like there was an air around her that made her like that. As far as John's concerned she didn't get it from his son.

John glanced at his watch and chewed on the inside of his lip. He looked out the window at the bar across the street. She'll be fine, He thought to himself. They already took care of the monster in town and the room was salted. She was asleep, the likely hood of her walking up and even knowing he was gone are slim to none. He closed the blinds and shut the door on his way out.

The only thing he was worried about was his sons got back before he made it back inside. He knew that Dean would probably kill him if her knew that he left his baby girl alone in a motel room.

John didn't leave the bar until the sounds of the sirens blaring across the street. He spit a mouthful of beer back into the bottle and quickly left it on the counter before leaving the building. The motel he had left his sleeping granddaughter was currently up in smoke.

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