Chapter ten.

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"Daddy." Violet held onto his hand and let him pull her along. He was supposed to meet Louis at the lake/river thing and he wasn't sure what to do with Violet so he just decided to bring her along. He never liked leaving her alone for very long. He was always afraid that she would burn the place down again. They weren't sure if she was the one that set the fire to the motel but he had a pretty good feeling she did.

"I see you brought the kid." Dean could hear the disapproval in the older hunter's voice.

"I'm not leaving her alone." Dean answered doing his best to convey that it wasn't up for discussion with his voice.

"She'd be safer in a motel."

"Raise your own damn kids."

"Don't got 'em."

"Then keep your mouth closed." Louis raised his eyebrows in slight surprise bit left it alone. He wasn't expecting that kind of response but knew to pick his battles when it comes to the Winchesters.

Violet was looking around with wide curious eyes. He had never taken her out to look for monsters with him before. She was kind of excited and wanted to prove herself but wasn't sure how.

Dean gripped onto her hand and wasn't planing on letting go anytime soon. So far all the kids that have downed have been around her age and the last thing he needed was his daughter getting hurt.

They ended up having to hike a little ways out there to get the the water where the people died. Dean just picked Violet up. He didn't notice the change in the plants until he was about fifty feet in. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. Louis continued on forward, not noticing the fact that the other hunter had stopped moving.

The trees seemed to me moving toward him. They darked until they were a rich forest green and vines reaches out to him. He glanced down at his daughter and he saw a smile on her that could rival the Cheshire cat's. She lifted her hand to connect with the closest vine and Dean was shocked to see a flower begin to bloom around her fingers.

He quickly looked up to make sure that Louis hadn't seen anything and was thankful to find him still walking. He looked back to his daughter and started walking again. Quicker this time, not giving the plants enough time to catch up with them.

When they got where they needed to be Dean was glad to see it was a little ways away from the tree line. He set her on the ground and crouched down. "No powers." He told her firmly in a whisper. She tilted her head to the side.

"But I don't know how to make it stop." She said matching his tone. She didn't understand why they were talking like this. Why couldn't the other man know? Maybe he didn't have any and Daddy didn't want him to feel bad.

"Okay. Then stay here and try not to make it noticeable."

"Why Daddy?" He took a few seconds to respond. He didn't want to scare her with the thought of things getting ugly with Louis but at the same time he didn't want her to think it was a game. Because if it did come down to his daughters safety over Louis life he'd pull the trigger in a heart beat.

"Because....hunters sometimes don't like it when people have powers." He said slowly. Glancing over his shoulder to see Louis watching them.

"You're a hunter." Confusion laced her words. Dean sighed and lowered lowers his voice even more.

"Yes but I'm but not hunters one magic or witches like you. I know its not your fault and that it's not fare but the only way around it is to make sure they don't find out." He said sadly. Violet didn't look happy to hear his words. If anything it made her really upset. Why did her abilities make her any different? Why did that make her bad?

Dean had to get up and start acting like everything was fine. He reminded Violet to not use her powers or at least try not to and stood back up. He told her to stay where she was and moved back over to the other hunter.

"She scared?" He questioned. Dean looked at him for a second, waiting for any sign that the older man had heard the conversation between him and the six year old. He couldn't find any.

"I was just telling her not to move from that spot over there." He motioned his head in her direction. Louis nodded and then got straight to business.


Dean and Louis ended up having to move a little far down and again Dean told Violet to stay where she was and that if anything happened for her to scream. She nodded her head. Dean wasn't happy to see that the grass around her had gotten taller and a few flowers had started growing but he didn't say anything. If the other hunter noticed anything he didn't say it out loud. If he didn't notice it then Dean respect for his hunting capabilities was slowly starting to diminish.

There wasn't anything in this river as far as Dean was concerned. He trudged back to where he left his daughter only to find a empty field. He looked around and felt highest tighten as his eyes came up empty.

"Violet?" Louis was coming up behind him and he could see Dean's panic.

"You should have left her in the motel."

"Shut up." Dean began walking to the spot he left her like it would some how tell him where she went. He did a full 360 hoping to catch a glimpse of his daughter but today was not his lucky day.

"You go back the way we came in and I'll check back over where we just were." Dean wasn't paying enough attention to the other hunter so he just nodded without thinking.
He started moving into the underbrush, looking for any sign of the six year old.

Hey guys, tell me what you think happened? Please.

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