chapter 5

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Dean held Violet against him. They were in the Impala parked outside the gate out of the park. She didn't seem as keen to go out and play as Dean had hoped. He was thinking about what his brother had said. She looked like a normal little girl. He didn't want to think about her having powers, not when he's be raised to believe that things with powers are almost always bad and he couldn't even fathom the thought of his daughter being anything but the little ball of cuteness in his lap.

But at the same time he wanted to know, want to know whether or not she was changing and if her powers, if she will even have them, are starting to come out of the woodwork. He sighed, and reached into the glove compartment of the car and pulled out a lighter. She pressed her head in his neck and Dean took a deep breath. The thought of taking an open flame to her made Dean want someone to punch him really, really hard.

"Hey." He pushed her slightly away from him so she wasn't leaning against him and he could see her face. She looked at him with questioning eyes. "Daddy's gonna try something." He told her and she didn't question it.

He flipped the lighter open and flicked on the flame. He expected her to shy away but he was surprised to find her beaming at the flare. She reached out and Dean instinctively pulled it away, he steadied her and slowly brought it closer.

"This might hurt." He warned her but she didn't seem to hear him as she reached for the heat like he was holding a toy. When she could reach it she clasped her hand over it and Dean's breath caught in this throat. She didn't flinch, in fact she giggled. The flame grew around her hand but it didn't seem to be burning her.

Dean glanced up and looked through the windows to make sure no one was seeing him taking a lighter to his toddler. The fire just kept higher and higher until it got to the point where Dean decided it was time to put it out. She frowned at him, not at all happy with her father.

"Why don't we go out and play?"


"Want to go back to the motel then?"

"No!" Dean rolled his eyes and just decided to take her to the playground. She'd forget whatever she was mad about after she saw the equipment. She pouted as he moved towards the other screaming children. He sat down on one of the benches and set her on the ground.

"Go play." He encouraged. She plopped herself down on the ground at his feet. He huffed and told her to go again and she still didn't move. She looked up at her father and crossed her arms across her chest. "If you don't want to play I'll take you back to the motel." He warned and she still didn't move.

"I miss those days." A woman who was sitting on the bench across the sidewalk said. Dean looked up at her nodded. "Cherish it while you can, they grow up real fast." She smiled down at Violet who looked up at her in terror. Violet quickly got up and climbed into Dean's lap. She shoved her head into Dean's shoulder and repeated "'otel! 'otel!" over and over again. The age old thought that 'if I can't see you, you can't see me.' Dean looked from Violet to the old woman. He stood up and apologized to her before taking his daughter back to the car. He wasn't even sure why he took her out. He didn't want to go back and tell his brother that he had been right and hear the 'I told you so.'

Violet was upset when they got back to the car and Dean buckled her into her seat. Dean decided that she just needed a nap and that was the end of it. He didn't know what happened with the woman or why Violet decided to act like that but he wasn't going to keep her somewhere she was scared.

Dean carried the sleeping toddler inside the motel. She had fallen asleep on the way back and Dean was more then happy to let her sleep. The others hadn't really moved to much from the positions he left them in. Dean lied her down on the bed farthest from the door and covered her with the blanket.

"You were right." He told his brother who was reading on the other bed. Sam looked up at him slightly confused.

"About what?" He set the book down and sat up. Dean sat down across from his father.

"The fire thing."

"You tested it out?" John asked.

"Yeah, and she freaking giggled." He put his head in his hands, "the second I flicked on the lighter she jumped for it." Both Sam and John looked to the sleeping girl and Dean sighed. "Okay, so she's fire proof, that not all that bad right?"

"You said she jumped on it?"

"She was excited to see it, she wanted to touch it."

"Dean, we need to find out more about her mother." Sam said.

"You think I don't know that?" Dean exclaimed a little too loud, causing the sleeping girl to come to. She sat up and looked around the room. She frowned and got off the bed, Dean wasn't at all surprised to watch her try and pull herself up into John's lap but he was a bit shocked to see John help her up. "So what? You almost kill her and suddenly you're grandfather of the year?" John gave him a look but didn't fight him on it. He deserved a lot more then rude remarks. Violet stood up on John's lap and reached across the table to grab John's flask. Dean huffed and pulled it from her grasp, "that's for grown ups." Sam got up and started ruffling though his bag looking for something.

"No." Dean sighed in frustration and didn't reply to her. He watched his brother while keeping an eye any move his daughter made. "Sam what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna test it."

"I already tested it." Dean said.

"Well I want to see it for myself." Dean shook his head.

"She just woke up." Sam ignored him and finally found the lighter he was looking for. He moved over and crouched down in front of his niece. She completely forgot about the drink Dean was keeping from her and turned her attention to Sam. Sam flicked on the fire and her lit up just as bright as the flame.

She reached out and ran her fingers over the fire. It reacted as her hand had been doused in lighter fluid. Sam pulled away quickly and fell back. Violet looked down at her hand and frowned. She didn't understand where it went.

She moved her head up and looked up at her grandfather as if asking him to explain it to her. Sam was breathing heavy and John was making sure not to let her fall. He flicked it back on and moved towards her slowly. She reached for it again and John had to hold her so she didn't go face first onto the floor.

"Sam, just stop."

"She likes it Dean." Dean shook his head again and got up. He plucked Violet up out of John's lap and sat back down.

"She doesn't need to be playing with fire." He told his brother.

"Dean, the only way we're going to learn about her powers is to explore what she can do." Sam explained.

"Well right now, we found out about her being fire proof, why don't we give it a little while before we start taking this out for a test drive. For all we know this might be a temporary thing. The next time we turn that damn thing on it might start boiling her skin."


"No Dad. Right now can we just let me daughter be a kid and not a witch? If either one of you set my daughter on fire again I will set you on fire. We clear?"

So, tell me what you think about her power.

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