Chapter 6

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Violet pressed the toy against her uncles face as he moved through the underbrush. She giggled as he stepped over yet another broken tree limb.

"Where we going?" She asked him as he walked into an open field.

"We are going to have some fun." He told the now four year old. Dean and his father had left this morning for a case a few hours away and decided to let Sam stay at this school for a few more weeks before skipping town, especially since Violet just started kindergarten. So Sam got the joy of watching her while his bother was away and planed to put that time to some good use.

He set her on the ground and dropped his book bag down beside her. He sat down in front of her and the first thing he pulled out was a lighter. Violet's face brightened up and she started bouncing excitedly up and down. Dean hadn't let her anywhere near fire since they found out about her ability. Though that didn't stop her from wanting to have it again. Despite her being at a very young age she was crafty. The first thing she did was get into the matches. It took her a couple times of her finding them to realize how to use them but when she did, Dean completely stopped buying them, refusing to give her any chance of setting herself on fire. From there she watched them every time they turned on a lighter. Then she got her hands on one after Dean fell asleep and it was John who confiscated it after getting out of the shower.

It was then that Dean made the rule of, lighters only come out when burning bodies. If no one was getting burned the lighters needed to be hidden inside bags or pockets. Sam had tired to get her to himself a couple of times to test out just what she could do but Dean isn't stupid. In fact the only reason she got left with him this time is because John ordered him too. Now, John didn't have much control when it comes to Violet but he put up a good argument of why Dean needed to be with him and Violet needed to stay with Sam.


"Yes, its going to be a secret, you know what a secret is right?"

"Things we don't tell Daddy!" Sam laughed and nodded to her, pulling a snickers bar from his bag and opening it before he handed it to her. She scarfed it down and reached for the lighter. Sam chucked at her eagerness and flicked it on. She touched it and Sam wondered if this is what kids like when their parents take them to Disney world. Sam let her wave her hands around in fire for a few minuets before he gently moving it away from her.

"No! Let me keep it!"

"I'm gonna build a fire." He promised, standing up and started looking for sticks to build said fire. It took him about fifteen minuets to find everything he needed and put it together. Violet was starting to get impatient and irritated with her uncle. She didn't move from her spot but her gaze followed him everywhere. But her anger dissipated when he pored lighter fluid on the sticks and set paper on fire before tossing it into the wood.

The second it caught flame she was elbow deep into the fire. Sam couldn't stop himself from flinching when she dove inside but after a few seconds he calmed down and let her play. He leaned back and watched her smile get brighter and brighter as the flames danced over her skin. He understood that his brother was having a hard times coming to terms with the fact that his daughter was magical but he didn't understand why he would just shut her off from something that made her so happy.

After a few more minuets of her playing around, he started to notice the grass around her. It turned from dull to a vibrant green, it began to get taller and the flowers rose higher. The color spread out from her slowly like tendrils of life reaching out and reviving the plants and wildlife. He noticed that a few animals had started making their way into the field. Sam watched his niece in amazement as her face seemed to glow and her hair looked longer then it did before they came out here.

She seemed mesmerized, and Sam didn't know what he should be doing. He wanted to ask her what she was feeling when she touched it but at the same time he wanted to let her enjoy it because he doesn't know when she'll have another chance to do this again. She eventually looked up from the fire and to her uncle. She stood up and walked around it until she was next to Sam. She plopped down on his lap and threw her arms around his neck and the second her skin touched his he could feel the power pouring off her. It wasn't painful, it actually made him feel like he slept for a week. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was starting to get late and that they should probably get going.

"Are you ready to go back to the motel room?" He asked her. She moved back and looked at his face. She looked back to the fire longingly.

"Can I have it?"

"I'll try and take you out again before your father comes home but you can't tell him." She nodded vigorously. "Okay, lets go back and get some sleep. We've got school tomorrow." He put the fire out. He picked up all of his things before lifting Violet into his arms.

Violet ran out of the school once she saw the Impala in the parking lot with her father leaning against it. He bent down and opened his arms for her to throw herself into them. The school they were in had all the schools on the same property so no one was surprised when they saw Sam making his way towards them. Dean adjusted his hold on Violet and looked to his brother.

"I wasn't expecting you guys back till last night." Sam said, his book bag slung over one shoulder. Dean shrugged.

"We wrapped things up a little early. And I missed my little V." She giggled and Dean opened the front door and Sam climbed into the passenger seat and Dean passed the little girl over, tossing her bag into the backseat. "Does her hair look longer to you?"

Sammy's a good uncle...or not, depending on who you ask.

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