Meeting (5)

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Oooo this is my favorite chapter yet!!!

Thank you so much to all of those people who read my story! I honestly didn't think I'd get any readers! But already 100 views! Thank you all so much!

In my appreciation, I decided it was time to start getting a little more Hiccstrid-y.



The storm still wasn't letting up, and on top of the hail, lightning was beginning to shoot out of the sky. I felt like we were going to be trapped in this cave until we die.

Or, at least, until Hiccup dies.

That thought chilled me to the bone. What if Hiccup did die? I glance over at him. His eyes are closed, and for the moment he looks almost peaceful. I put my head in my hands, trying to sort out my thoughts. Then I bolt up into a standing position as I hear a blood curdling scream.


I feel a lot better.

I can't explain it. I just am better. I'm laying in the cave. I can't tell if I'm alone or not because I can only look up, not able to move my head at all.

Then I hear voices.


"Is he dead?"


"It's kind of hard to tell. That's how he always looks."


"Don't crowd him."


"What do we do?"


"He's probably faking."


I wait for her to say something.


Finally after what felt like the longest time, a small, sad, defeated voice.

"He's not faking. He's dead."

It was at that point that I realized they were talking about me.

I tried to open my mouth to tell them that I was fine, but it wouldn't open.

After struggling for what felt like ages to do anything, Astrid bent over and came into my line of vision.

"Don't leave, Hiccup." She said, her sad blue eyes let a tear escape. "Just open your eyes."

Panic seized me as I felt so utterly helpless.

Then she looked up at something I couldn't see and I heard screams from the direction I heard the others voices.

"No." Astrid said before crumpling to the ground next to me.

I heard a laugh slowly dissipate out the entrance of the cave. And then it was silent.

I slowly gained back the ability to move and rushed to Astrid's side.

"Astrid, Astrid, Astrid stay with me." I said, holding her in my arms.

She reached up to touch my face, leaving a trail of blood down my face as her hand lost it's strength to hold itself up and she slowly passed away.

The room exploded into fragments and I was awoken by a scream only to find out that it was me, bolting into a sitting position. A sudden burst of pain ran through me, exploding from my chest and spreading throughout the rest of my body as sharp white needles poked at my vision until I couldn't see anything. Bile rose up my throat until I couldn't breathe.

Innocence is Bliss ~ A Hiccstrid Story ~Where stories live. Discover now